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15 Jan 2024, 3:32 pm

"It was the best of climes, it was the worst of climes."

...Al Gore, "A Tale Of Two Climates"

It ain't easy being me, but someone's gotta do it.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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18 Jan 2024, 8:52 am

“Reality is bewildered enough without an elephant clouding our vision.” The Elephant in the Brain by Simler and Hanson


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05 Mar 2024, 11:20 am

I would never have entertained such an idea under normal circumstances, but anyone who has brooded on it for hours will feel, in a truly physical sense, what it's like to rust away. It's a strange but far from unpleasant sensation. You surrender to the forces of nature, utterly serene, then slowly turn metallic. Your body becomes coated by degrees with fine, rust-red fur and starts to crumble. The rust eats into you, ever deeper. Layer after layer flakes off, and before long you're just a little mound of red dust to be blown away by a captive puff of wind and scattered along the endless tunnels of the Gloomberg Mountains.

The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear, Walter Moers

The Andaman Sea, the Andaman Sea, Oogily boogily, the Andaman Sea.


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24 Mar 2024, 1:29 pm

I am tempted to make this my signature:

“One could mention many lovable traits in Smee. For instance, after killing, it was his spectacles he wiped instead of his weapon.”
― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan


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27 Mar 2024, 6:12 am

this is not a quote...i typed it from the sci fi novel Look To Windward by Iain M Banks...i just think its pretty The Culture (a civilization that has almost reached the highest levels of technology) sends a very advanced machine to assassinate two of their enemies...The Culture series was suppose to be made into a show by Amazon but that never happened...something that bothers me to this day...*warning*: extreme violence and spoilers...and incase you're wondering...AM stands for anti matter

A small drone had been sent to investigate the running figure. Its weapons were armed and ready to fire. Just as it was about to intercept the female and shout a challenge, she came to the grassy edge of the crater and jumped. What happened next was unexpected. The drone's camera showed the leaping figure disintegrate and turn into a flock of birds. They flew past the drone, flowing around its casing like water about a stone. The machine twitched this way and that, then turned and followed.
The order came to attack the flock of birds. The drone instigated a prey-rich-environent targeting regime, but then another order countermanded the first and told it to attack a group of three more defence drones which had just risen from the nearest seastack. It curved away, zooming to gain height.
Lasers flickered from cupolas high on two of the seastacks, but the flock of birds had become a swarm of insects; the weapon light found few of them and those it did simply reflected it. Then the two laser towers began to fire at each other, both exploded in balls of flame.
The first drone attacked the other three drones as they spread out and accelerated towards the swarm of insects. It shot down one before it was itself destroyed. Then the other two drones attacked each other, swooping in and ramming at high speed in a flash and single sharp detonation of sound; much of the resulting wreckage was composed of pieces small enough to drift in the wind.
Several small- and medium-sized explosions shook each of the seastacks, and smoke began to drift across the blue sky.
The insect swarm collected on a broad balcony and resumed the form of a Chelgrian female. She knocked the balcony doors down and stepped into the room. Alarms warbled. She frowned and they fell silent. The only sensory or command system not fully under her control was a tiny passive camera in one corner of the room. She was to leave the complex's security monitoring system uncorrupted, so that what was done was seen to be done, and recorded. She listened carefully.
She strode into the bathroom and found him in the emergency one-person lift which had been disguised as a shower cabinet. The lift had jammed in the shaft. She flowed over the hole, formed a partial vacuum and sucked the capsule back up. She pulled open the door and reached in for the naked, cowering male.
Estodien Visquile opened his mouth to scream for mercy. She became insects - they represented something of a phobia for the Estodian - and poured into his throat, choking him and forcing open the route to his lungs and to his stomach. The insects packed each tiny air-sac in his lungs tight; others bulked out the Estodien's stomach to the point of bursting and beyond, then invaded his body cavity, while others rammed down into the rest of his digestive system, forcing an explosion of faecal matter from his anus.
The Estodien crashed and battered about the shower cabinet lift capsule, smashing the ceramic fittings and denting the plastics. More insects streamed into his ears and forced their way around his horrified, staring eyes, burning their way into his skull while his skin crawled and writhed with insects which had invaded his body cavity and gone on to slide their way under his flesh.
The insects infested his entire body eventually, as he lay thrashing on the floor on a film of his own blood. They continued to insinuate their way into every bodily part if him until, about three minutes after the attack had begun, Visquile's movements gradually ceased.
The insects, the birds and the Chelgrian female were made of EDust. Everything Dust was composed of tiny machines of varying sizes and capabilities. With the exception of one type, none were larger than a tenth of a millimeter in any direction. Interestingly, the dust had originally been designed as the ultimate building material.
The one class of exception to the tenth-of-a-millimeter rule was that of AM nanomissiles, which were only a tenth of a millimeter in diameter, but an entire millimeter in length. One of those lodged in the centre of the Estodien's brain, beside his Soulkeeper, while all the other components reformed into the Chelgrian female.
She padded away from the deflated body lying in its bloody pool. The nanomissiles were, she thought, a give-away to the identity of her makers; an integral part of the message she was delivering. She went out of the bathroom and the apartment, down some stairs and across a terrace. Somebody shot at her with an ancient hunting rifle. It was the only projectile weapon left working for several kilometres around; she let the bullet pass through a hole in her chest and out the other side, while a set of components in one of her eyes briefly lased and blinded the male who had shot at her.
In the accommodation block behind her, the nanomissile embedded in Visquile's brain sensed his Soulkeeper about to read and save mind. The explosion of the missile's warhead destroyed the whole building. Debris rained down, around and through her as she walked calmly away.
She found her second target trapped in a small two-person flyer, trying to smash his way out of the cockpit canopy with an oxygen cylinder.
She pulled the canopy open. The white-furred male lashed out with an antique knife; it penetrated her chest and she let it hang there while she took him by the throat and lifted him bodily out of the machine. He kicked and spat and gurgled. The knife in her chest was swallowed inside her as she walked to the edge of the terrace. He hung easily in her grip, as though he weighed nothing; his kicks seemed to have no appreciable effect on her whatsoever.
At the terrace edge she held him over the balustrade. The drop to the sea was about two hundred meters. The knife he had tried to harm her with appeared smoothly out of the palm of her hand, like magic. She used it to skin him. She was ferociously quick; it took a minute or two. His screams wheezed out through his partially crushed windpipe.
She let his bloody white pelt drop away towards the waves like a heavy sodden rug. She threw the knife away and used her own claws to rip him open from midlimb to groin, then reached inside, pulling and twisting at the same time as she let go of his neck.
He tumbled away, finally screaming in a high, hoarse voice. She was still holding his stomach in her hand. His intestines unravelled, whipping out of his body in a long, quivering line as he fell.
Skinned and disemboweled, he was light enough - and his entrails sufficiently elastic as well firmly anchored - for him to bounce up and down on the end of his own guts for a while, jerking and quivering and shrieking, before she let him fall into the salty waters.
She watched the splashes with Chelgrian eyes for a while, then became a cloud of dust in which the biggest single components were the nanomissiles.
By the time the warhead in Eweirl's brain exploded a few minutes later, she had become an attenuated column of greyness sucking itself up into the sky high above.


so whether if its violence or a question of peace


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08 Apr 2024, 7:52 am

"War is God."
- Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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08 Apr 2024, 10:29 am

“My mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don't know.”

English is not my first language.


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08 Apr 2024, 6:58 pm

“If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.”
Jane Eyre


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08 Apr 2024, 8:12 pm

“We lay aside letters never to read them again, and at last destroy them out of discretion, and so disappears the most beautiful, the most immediate breath of life, irrecoverably for ourselves and for others.”

― Johann von Goethe, Elective Affinities

I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.

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08 Apr 2024, 8:44 pm

"In fact, the annual shedding of short wild wool might have created the first crude--and smelly--felt when sheep slept on their own damp shedding."

--The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World.

In destinies sad or merry, true men can but try.
~Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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16 Nov 2024, 12:37 pm

"In an emergency situation that has never happened before to the people involved, it's often noted that autistics can rise to the occasion--for us, it isn't that much different than day to day situations, which can feel like completely new situations all the time. Some of us can think from general principles to specific actions quickly, while some NTs can become mentally paralyzed for lack of a known procedure."

p.66, A Field Guide to Earthlings: An Autistic/Asperger View of Neurotypical Behavior, by Ian Ford (2010).

My magical motto is Animus facit nobilem. I like to read fantasy and weird fiction. Just a few of my favorite online things: music, chess, and dungeon crawl stone soup.