I don’t remember everything I mentioned here before, probably have duplicates
Sweet and savory/salty do not belong together. Caramel is ruined when it’s salted.
I do not like ground beef in any form, including hamburgers. Very thin hamburgers with a bit of salt and nothing else (including bun) are tolerable.
Mint ice cream is delicious, and pieces of chocolate in it are acceptable, but otherwise mint and chocolate do not go together, even though I like both separately. This includes Thin Mint cookies (seems every person I mention not liking mint and chocolate to who says they don’t like it either adds “except for Thin Mints”).
I’m not a fan of any sort of sandwich, some are tolerable, the only condiment that is acceptable is mustard. Why does every pre-made sandwich that isn’t peanut butter and jelly or a hamburger have to have mayonnaise?
The texture of any sort of gelatin is gross. So are unmelted marshmallows.
Bacon is only okay, and only if thoroughly crispy. The texture of fat, including on bacon, is disgusting.
Steak is also only okay, and only if cooked enough and not fatty.
I was vegetarian for several years (five, I think), and I rarely missed any kind of meat. And I was no hungrier then than when I ate meat (though I did have to start eating meat again for health reasons).
The only thing edible at McDonalds is the fries.
I have never liked ketchup, even as a kid.
White bread is disgusting.
Oatmeal cookies are delicious, but raisins do not belong in them.
Most sauces are gross. Tomato pasta sauce is fine, but only next to pasta, not on top of it. Pasta saturated with sauce is repulsive.
Not a fan of any sort of poultry.
The texture of beans of any sort is disgusting. And pureed soups (which is something many people recommend for people who don’t like beans to eat them) make me gag. This is a large part of why I never tried being vegan.
A cold glass of milk goes very nicely with potato chips.
Chocolate is much better if refrigerated before eating, so it’s extra crisp.
A crispy taco shell by itself is a perfectly fine snack.
Peanut butter is best by itself, eaten off a spoon.
Yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage. For although nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
-H. P. Lovecraft, "The Outsider"