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14 Jan 2011, 11:20 pm

mizplazed wrote:
Volodja wrote:
It would explain why transsexuals often find their sexuality changes once they start hormone therapy for example.

I respectfully suggest you research this more before repeating this statement again; you sound too intelligent to have made such a flippant remark that is, ultimately, false.

It's wrong? I've read a lot that this happens

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15 Jan 2011, 11:58 am

Brainiac5 wrote:
sex between a male and female has a biological purpose, and homosexuality eliminates that purpose.

Not to be all gay pride flaggin it here but more than homosexuality eliminates that purpose. How many people now a days go have sex for a biological purpose? I'm pretty sure they sell all types of products to millions every day to eliminate that biological purpose. Thus, the main difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality anymore is that I can go out and buy the next size up, if she's not happy with my 5 inches I can swap out for 8.

Granted you do hear stories of people who "work" towards having a family but I can garauntee that that is not the only time they partake in such events. More than not I'd venture they do it for the sheer pleasure of it all.


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15 Jan 2011, 12:18 pm

Nykio wrote:
Brainiac5 wrote:
sex between a male and female has a biological purpose, and homosexuality eliminates that purpose.

Not to be all gay pride flaggin it here but more than homosexuality eliminates that purpose. How many people now a days go have sex for a biological purpose? I'm pretty sure they sell all types of products to millions every day to eliminate that biological purpose. Thus, the main difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality anymore is that I can go out and buy the next size up, if she's not happy with my 5 inches I can swap out for 8.

Granted you do hear stories of people who "work" towards having a family but I can garauntee that that is not the only time they partake in such events. More than not I'd venture they do it for the sheer pleasure of it all.

You are 100% correct, and this isn't just my view.

This was one of the reasons (among many others) that the Federal judge overturned the morally reprehensible gay marriage ban here in California.


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07 Feb 2011, 8:52 am

When you're gay and you're living in a society that has issues with accepting you for who you are, then you're going to feel like you're constantly having to defend yourself. There are still a great many people who view gay people as "abnormal," "morally wrong," or just plain "gross." Moreover, they'll come up with all kinds of arguments in attempt to demonize and legally treat gay individuals as second-class citizens. And, to add insult to injury, when you're living in a society wherein these people have the power to elect officials who share their views and mold the law to reflect their views, you're going to feel a great deal of anger and frustration, and you'll either wonder why you had to have been born this way, or you'll wonder why you couldn't have been born in a more accepting society. Some will go so far as to undergo damaging "reparative" therapy in the futile hope of turning straight, or even attempt suicide.

As you can see, being gay is not all sunshine and "rainbows." :roll:

What fresh hell is this?


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08 Feb 2011, 6:15 pm

I resolved very early that when people asked me questions to understand my sexuality that I would stick to the maxim, "there is no such thing as a stupid question."

Yes, the OP's question is difficult to answer, but that doesn't make it a bad question.

So, how does it feel to be gay.

Well, part of that depends on when you first self-identify as gay. For my part that was when I was about 12 years old. I think I was little different than other boys my age, in that I was becoming aware of my sexuality, and learning what it was that triggered sexual response.

I was keenly aware that my sexual interests did not correspond with those of my peers, and that caused me no small amount of anguish. I was already alienated from them due to what I now know to be my Aspie issues, and realizing that I was also gay was an added pressure.

As for how it feels to be sexually attracted to or active with another man, I think the question is very dependent on the individual. No two people have identical sexual response, and what is stimulating to one person may be a turn-off to another, even if they both have the same sexual orientation.


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09 Feb 2011, 10:18 am

Hmm apart from all the judgement and assumptions of other people which is more of an unfortunate result of being gay than an answer to "how does it feel"...
I am a lesbian.. I am attracted to women.. Being with a woman feels good (as long as it is a woman I trust and feel comfortable with ;) )

When people (usually straight men, funnily enough) have asked me this question in the past I say, "well basically, think about how you feel about getting all hot n frisky with a man... Imagine it.. Total turn off? yes? I feel the same way about getting intimate with men as you do... " This usually gts the message across.
The thought of being intimate with a man, to me, is akin to the thought of being with a hairy animal. And since I am not into beastiality, thats not very appealing.

Thats the best way I can explain it ;)


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10 Feb 2011, 9:06 am

Brainiac5 wrote:
What I do sometimes wonder about regarding homosexuality (and I don't mean this to in any way to critique or offend anyone), is that sex between a male and female has a biological purpose, and homosexuality eliminates that purpose. So what exactly does cause homosexuality and why? Just a thought.

I can't say what causes it or why, for that you need someone more knowledgeable in genetics and neurology I suspect. But I do remember reading a rather fascinating article a few years back about how certain primates will engage in sex with others of the same gender in order to increase their status and reduce aggression within a pack. What made it fascinating was that as it was described the lower ranking male would usually initiate the process, whereas to many humans way of thinking of course it would be the higher ranking one. But apparently it's something they do to help the pack reduce tension, since the highest ranking males being aggressive means everyone goes on edge. In addition it does occur in nature in many many other animals, though I haven't read about it being as common in other species as in primates or being used as directly to influence the social behavior of the other members of a pack.

Just to make sure I clarify so as not to offend any of you wonderful LGBTQ people, I'm just mentioning this about animals to point out that even at the more basic levels of animal life it is something that happens. Humans are so much more complex. But if even animals find members of the same gender engaging in sexual behavior with one another useful then the 'but biology, procreation' argument against can't really hold much weight. If it were a useless practice, if it held no benefit for those simpler lifeforms, wouldn't homosexuality in animals including us simply have become extinct a very very long time ago?

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14 May 2011, 5:06 pm

I feel that as a gay boy, I am attracted to boys the same way straight boys are attracted to girls. It only seems different because gay boys are generally much less comfortable with their sexualities.


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15 May 2011, 1:00 pm

How does it feel to be Gay? Perfectly natural; what else? 8)
Why are people Gay? I have no idea and I care even less.

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27 May 2011, 3:55 am

Just like it's difficult for a straight person to imagine how it "feels" to be gay, it's difficult for me as a (male-to-female) transsexual person to imagine how it feels to like being the sex you were born.

As for cross-gender hormones for transsexuals not changing sexual preference, I don't think it's simply "no". I was only ever attracted to girls, but now that I'm on hormones, I have feelings like i want to cuddle with some of my male friends.

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29 May 2011, 12:58 am

kittylover wrote:
Just like it's difficult for a straight person to imagine how it "feels" to be gay, it's difficult for me as a (male-to-female) transsexual person to imagine how it feels to like being the sex you were born.
As a bicurious (gay with rare hetero inclinations) male-but-genderqueer-at-heart, I can totally imagine myself being totally gay, straight, bi, and/or cis/transgendered in another life. I honestly feel that, personally, the genitalia present don't matter. Well, not much, at least.

It's much the same way that one can find it strange that another is a foot fetishist...or, hell, inherently liking cats over dogs, but ferrets most of all (not sexually...unless we're talking of the furry community).

Thinking of "I wonder how it feels to be..." is a pointless thought to me. You either feel it or you don't. What's important is that one remains open-minded and respectful of others, even if they're different than you in some or other way.


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29 May 2011, 10:23 pm

I feel like an ordinary person, except I'm a very masculine woman who's attracted to women.

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03 Jun 2011, 9:04 pm

How does it feel being gay? It feels like I'm attracted to other men, and it feels like a lot of people in the world hate me because of it.


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09 Jun 2011, 3:40 pm

Apple_in_my_Eye wrote:
Brainiac5 wrote:
What I do sometimes wonder about regarding homosexuality (and I don't mean this to in any way to critique or offend anyone), is that sex between a male and female has a biological purpose, and homosexuality eliminates that purpose. So what exactly does cause homosexuality and why? Just a thought.

One hole I see in that argument is that in a lifetime most people have on average about 2 kids, and in a lifetime most people (I think) will probably have sex at least a few hundred times. That seems to indicate that 99% of the time sex isn't about reproduction. If it were truly only about that I think people would feel compelled not to use birth control. The instinct seems more about f****** than actually reproducing most of the time (though a few times people will obviously make sure is also about reproduction). And since for some primates it serves a role in social stuff and bonding and so forth, it's not hard to see parallels with human behavior.

i always assumed it was mother nature controlling the population, or at least trying to (the planet will only support so many people).

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15 Mar 2012, 4:50 pm

I once read an article on a university website and one paragraph talked about the difficulty of saying someone IS gay. If you know what I mean.

I know people are undecided on whether homosexuality is something you've been born with or something that you decide for yourself.

But the more interesting question for me would be if sexuality in general is something that you... more or less consciously decide.

Let's say... you're a guy who prefers other guys to girls. It shouldn't define your whole being. It's just one of many aspects of your individual personality. That's my main problem with those terms.

Let's compare it to identifying with a particular country or culture. Theoretically, I could identify with two different cultures, but in fact I identify with no particular culture but various aspects from various cultures. I don't know whether you could compare that to sexuality, but I think sexuality is so complex and diverse and it always depends on the individual.

So, as for me, I identify as neither heterosexual nor homosexual or bisexual or what you like... I don't feel I have to do that anyway. Other people are a mystery to me, but I do not identify as "asexual" either. Because what would that mean? I even like some people on a more or less sexual level (even if I can only perceive this abstractly), but... I don't know... I don't have one definite preference.


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15 Mar 2012, 4:59 pm

emlion wrote:
Grisha wrote:
LOL, gays guys don't want sex with EVERY man.

Where does that come from?

There seems to be this extremely common idea among straight guys that all you need to do is "turn gay" (as if that were actually possible) and you would get all the sex you could possibly handle.

Some of even the most "aesthetically challenged" guys think that they are total gay magnets.

Can't possibly be true...

I know.
I don't think women think the same about lesbians?
It's a weird thing to think - I never understood it either. :?

Yeah, I think this is much more frequent with straight guys.

I think it's all about their homophobia. As if it was an epidemic. ^^

You know... In football you often have these fears that having gay football players on the team and in the changing rooms may be a great problem, while the real problem is that there are many gay football players in the closet who can never be themselves. Because "gay guys want sex with every man". So they hide and this affects their performance and their psychological health.

It's one-dimensional thinking. Because many straight guys do not understand what being "gay" means. And if they gave it real thought, maybe they'd find out about themselves that they are not as straight as they have always believed.


"It's how they see things. It's a way of bringing class to an environment, and I say that pejoratively because, obviously, good music is good music however it's created, however it's motivated." - Thomas Newman