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28 May 2011, 7:27 am

I have an aspie friend who is a lesbian. Your not the only one out there.


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30 May 2011, 2:31 pm

Hi all. I'm an Aspie who's also a lesbian. Talk about a 'double whammy'. Can't hardly get/keep a job for being a lesbian and can't hardly get/keep a lesbian for being an Aspie! LOL


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30 May 2011, 3:04 pm

Dae wrote:
Hi all. I'm an Aspie who's also a lesbian. Talk about a 'double whammy'. Can't hardly get/keep a job for being a lesbian and can't hardly get/keep a lesbian for being an Aspie! LOL

Lol, I agree with you about 'double whammy'! ! :P


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05 Jun 2011, 1:24 am

Woo woo, 'nother lesbian aspie here. I actually ran into a very attractive other aspie lesbian recently -- so I have proof of at least two! -- but after a long conversation I inevitably died of nervousness, stuck my foot in my mouth and ran off in a fit of horror, so. Y'know. xD


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05 Jun 2011, 6:37 am

I'm undiagnosed. Or half diagnosed, I haven't decided if I want to go all the way with it. Lesbian though.

Kimmington wrote:
My civil partner is a lesbian Aspie.

She is also beautiful, complicated, hard to live with, organised, honest and I love her. We have been together for 5 years or so.. and legally partnered for over a year.

Is it tough. ? Oh yes. Is it worth it ? Oh yes.

Reading about aspergers is what keeps me sane and remembering that she doesn't think like me is what keeps me focussed. If I took some of her more eccentric traits personally we probably wouldn't have lasted this long. I can see how tough it is for NT and Aspies to live together. I can feel it.

Anyway the OP was about whether there were lesbian Aspies.. yes is the short answer. 8)

Reading this makes me feel all warm inside. It sounds like my girlfriend speaking (except for the "organised"-part, I'm a mess).

It's tough from the other side too. I feel guilty for the misunderstandings I create. For the times when I say things that I shouldn't say. For breaking down when she needs me the most. And I often wonder what it is that makes her feel that it's still worth it.

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07 Jun 2011, 9:20 pm

I hate the word "lesbian"--just the way it sounds or something--but I am indeed a gay or queer woman (I hate the word "woman" too). I emotionally connect with other women and I almost entirely find women (especially non-stereotypically attractive), androgynous/genderqueer people, and ftm transgender people attractive.

Here is a problem that I have that I wonder if any of you guys have too:

Well, I went to a couple of lesbian clubs/bars once and it was very overwhelming for me from all of the different sensory perspectives: the cigarette smoke in my lungs and stinging my eyes, the smell and taste of alcohol, the strobe lights, the too-loud music, and the sheer number of people. Everyone was dancing with each other and drinking and looking like they were having fun together. I drink sometimes but only with other people (NTs) and personally I couldn't care less if alcohol disappeared tomorrow forever and I could only drink milk forevermore.

Basically, I hate the fact that the way that young people especially in the lgbt community are supposed to meet each other is through clubs and bars. It's way too overwhelming. It requires subtle knowledge of social cues. I'm way too clumsy and physically unaware to feel okay dancing. I don't tend to be someone that people hit on for the most part anyway, which is frustrating. And I'm definitely not okay with the idea of a one-night stand, because to me, sex is just like a physical manifestation of love. This seems to be some kind of misunderstanding between me and other people as well. I feel like sex is for you and someone you love when you want to be with just each other.

Okay sorry that I blabbed so much. One thing made me think of the next. I guess I just don't know what to do sometimes because the lesbian world seems just as insubstantial and foreign to me as the rest of the NT world or moreso.

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08 Jun 2011, 4:23 pm

AH, yes!

I recently came out... but my feelings and behaviors were so muddled and unclear and everything people wrote here describes me perfectly.

I just always felt weird because I don't enjoy things in the sensual way that NTs do, so I can never understand what they might be thinking afterwards... or during... and all I can think about is how surreal/interesting it feels to be doing this thing that is supposed to have all this emotional weight or at least this sort of innate excitement or intimacy to it but I feel mostly just the same as always. I used to have sex with boys, and that's how it was. I get more excited with girls and don't feel the extra scared anxious feelings that I feel around men in general, so I describe myself as a lesbian now.

i have been dating on okCupid, and i have high hopes of meeting someone who gets me.

it feels so so so good to read all of your posts and feel a little more normal for a change.

much love!


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08 Jun 2011, 7:55 pm

ScaredofWorld, I can very much relate to the feeling of sensory overload experienced in bars/clubs. - I haven't been in one now for years. What we need is more spaces geared for those with highly-attuned senses such as we have! We could make our own bar/club and call it The Aspie Cave. :) Ha!

It's your Dae today

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08 Jun 2011, 8:36 pm

I like the way you think, Dae. :D


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12 Jun 2011, 5:06 pm

OMG...I couldn't hardly find my way back here. I may need a map to get back to all the 'threads' I've ever posted in/visited. btw, thanx for the smiley ScaredofWorld. I needed that!


It's your Dae today

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23 Jun 2011, 7:33 pm

lesbian here, and been with my gf for almost 3 yrs, i am relatively high functioning but find it hard to touch anyone except my best friend and my gf and both took me a long time

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26 Dec 2011, 11:56 am

Yet another aspie lesbian here. "Double whammy" definitely resonates! Not exactly optimistic about meeting anyone and having a relationship since socializing feels so awkward and uncomfortable. I doubt Ms. Right is going to just walk up and knock at my front door some day!


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26 Dec 2011, 1:57 pm

Dae wrote:
OMG...I couldn't hardly find my way back here. I may need a map to get back to all the 'threads' I've ever posted in/visited. btw, thanx for the smiley ScaredofWorld. I needed that!


bookmark the following link: ... earch.html

it will show you all the topics you have participated in.

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28 Dec 2011, 8:14 pm

Louise18 wrote:
syrella wrote:
Bisexual here. I just don't think gender is all that important when it comes to finding love, so I'll date both men and women when the feelings are there. I too was in love with my best friend growing up and I always imagined she and I would move in together and live happily ever after. I hadn't even thought of trying to find a husband.

That said, I generally don't become attracted to anyone until I spend a lot of time with them or they are very interesting to me intellectually. I'm an extreme case where the physical attraction I experience is very limited. So looks alone don't do much for me. I thought I was asexual for a bit, but nah... I like people just fine. 8) I'm just attracted to them in a slightly different manner.


this also <3

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05 Aug 2014, 3:46 pm

I am one too and living the terrible single life

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07 Aug 2014, 6:51 pm

I'm also one -- and lack friends that are lesbians because I refuse to go to any bars ..... it's all too overwhelming.