Mark198423 wrote:
Wow, climb down from your high horse. The guy's a new moderator (not just LGBT as most moderators here do most forums) just trying to ensure he gets the balance right in the site's newest forum.
I stand by my original position. It is patronizing for an outsider to come in and defend the interests of a minority.
Let's change the perspective somewhat. Suppose that this was an Aspie forum on a general board. How would you feel about an NT moderator coming in to moderate the board? At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how many Aspie friends and relations an NT has, that person does not understand our experience the way another Aspie does. The same is true for LGBT people. (In fact, I think it's a mistake to lump G, L, B and T together, but sometimes we have to be fellow travellers).
As I have said, I have no doubt that leejosepho is a fine, caring, upstanding individual. I am sure that his questions are well meant. Indeed, were he not a new moderator looking for some sensitivity training I would welcome the question from an outsider trying to learn about us.
But an outsider who comes in to be the defender of our interests by combatting homophobic remarks and hate speech carries with it two implications, neither of which have been mitigated: first, it implies that we, as a community, require outside help to defend ourselves from those who oppose us, and second, it implies that one does not have to walk a mile in another person's shoes to understand their oppression.
There's far too much 'us and them' in your post. What members of both AS and LGBT claim to want is equality and that is never achieved with such talk. The moderators have a duty to ensure the site's core rules are followed and I believe leejosepho is going a little beyond that so shouldn't be looked down on for doing so, I'm sure the same kind of questions will not be being asked once the forum has been going for a while.
I suggested that 'T' could warrent it's own section rather than being lumped in with 'LGB' in one of the posts about the creation of the forum so can see where you're coming from with that bit. We'd probably differ somewhat after that though.