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06 Apr 2012, 7:56 pm

smudge wrote:
Joker wrote:
I am Bigender does that count :?:

Possibly. Is that when you're both genders in the brain but not outside?

Yes pretty much though it depends on the month ect

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07 Apr 2012, 11:42 pm

NullCoding wrote:
I have Asperger's and I identify as androgynous. So, my sex is MtA. I don't mind that I was born with male anatomy, but I really wish I didn't look so masculine. I'd love to be either more feminine or else so close that people can't tell which biological sex I am. My partner can pull it off. I can't. :(

I know it isn't exactly "trans" in the typical sense (haha, typical, how ironic) but I certainly don't fall into the gender binary, and wish to transcend it... ;)

I feel the same way, although I am not as masculine as you describe your self to be.

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11 Apr 2012, 1:48 pm

KittyCommand0r wrote:
Regal wrote:
FtM, haven't started hormones or anything but I'm in the process of getting my name/gender legally changed. I pass the majority of the time nowadays, so I'm not in as much of a rush to start hormones, but I wish I could just go chop my breasts off right now...

I wish trans people could donate parts to eachother :lol:

That would be fantastic! Also, I'm FTM.

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14 Apr 2012, 7:09 am

Lukas64 wrote:
KittyCommand0r wrote:
Regal wrote:
FtM, haven't started hormones or anything but I'm in the process of getting my name/gender legally changed. I pass the majority of the time nowadays, so I'm not in as much of a rush to start hormones, but I wish I could just go chop my breasts off right now...

I wish trans people could donate parts to eachother :lol:

That would be fantastic! Also, I'm FTM.

I don't know why that isn't happening. People get faces from other people, I mean what is more personal than your face.


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14 Apr 2012, 7:13 am

smudge wrote:
I've always been curious to speak to a transman. But what about?

K, so... Just start talking. :D

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14 Apr 2012, 11:21 pm

Being Bigender is so 8)


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15 Apr 2012, 12:11 pm

I am also FtM. Being an aspie with transgenderism isn't so uncommon. There might be a correlation between the causes of transgenderism and autism.

I haven't started surgery or hormones yet, but I would say I am read as male about 90% of the time. I've always been perceived as my actual gender which helps a lot. I do have top surgery scheduled with Dr. Brownstein this upcoming summer. Super excited!

It's hard when a lot of people tell me that, by having a double mastectomy, they say I am "mutilating myself".

But why is it socially acceptable to have breast implants for no reason but its not acceptable to have breast removal to treat life-long gender dysphoria? And I mean, by no reason, beast implants for cisgender women who already have C cup breasts. If anything, it is the cisgender women getting unnecessary plastic surgery that are mutilating themselves.

Hang in there, everyone.

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17 Apr 2012, 5:47 am

Heylo. I used see myself as transition FtM but things are never simple enough to understand with all this gender stuff. I recently came to the conclusion that I am probably FtGQ or Ft? or something like that. I am Genderfluid/genderqueer/genderless. I prefer to not give myself guidelines to follow according to gender, considering it's social constructed and differs over society.

It was difficult to see myself as just male or just female. I like to see myself as kind of in between as well as neither. It doesn't help that my family is not supportive and my friends and teachers are stuck seeing me as female. I usually appear to be male to people; it's more comfortable, but I am not defined as it. I get dysphoria, though. Saving up for top surgery.

A lot of trans people I know have AS or are on the spectrum. I noticed this a while ago. I don't think there's necessarily a significant correlation between the two that leads to a higher probability of being one if you are the other, but I've just noticed it is all.


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17 Apr 2012, 5:52 am

I think that males typically tend to be viewed as more pragmatic and less emotional. Which is why it would be important for trans-aspies to assert both identities when they're met with sexist views about those typical behaviours.

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17 Apr 2012, 9:40 pm

smudge wrote:
Thanks for the explanation. That must be confusing for you.

You're welcome. Not really confusing to me though. I know I'm male, I know I'm trans. And I also believe that my interpretation of male is my interpretation alone. I don't really understand society's expectation of male and female, but the way I wish to present myself fits with most people's definition of male.

The questioning period was confusing, but now I don't doubt who I am.

Transgender. Call me 'he' please. I'm a guy.
Diagnosed Bipolar and Aspergers (questioning the ASD diagnosis).

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18 Apr 2012, 5:07 pm

Bun wrote:
smudge wrote:
I've always been curious to speak to a transman. But what about?

K, so... Just start talking. :D

Are you one? 8)


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18 Apr 2012, 6:35 pm

Yes. Biologically female, pass as male.

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19 Apr 2012, 12:24 pm

Bun wrote:
Yes. Biologically female, pass as male.

Oh cool!

Umm, how's it going? Lol. Really, it'd be great to meet one local to me. Nothing beats RL conversations. :)


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19 Apr 2012, 1:38 pm

You're quite right. I met a few on trans-related events, and also a friend's husband is FTM, and I can only remember the ones I've met being cool to hang out with.

I'm fine, thank you. It's nice to have an accepting trans partner as well. :D

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19 Apr 2012, 1:56 pm

Bun wrote:
You're quite right. I met a few on trans-related events, and also a friend's husband is FTM, and I can only remember the ones I've met being cool to hang out with.

I'm fine, thank you. It's nice to have an accepting trans partner as well. :D

You have a trans-partner? What is s/he like?

I've always wanted to go to a trans-group just out of pure curiosity, but I don't think I'd be welcome at one since I'm not a transgender, nor do I know one in the first place.


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19 Apr 2012, 2:09 pm

She's MTF, Arab, Christian. Pretty empathic and good at reading people. We srtarted being friends, but then we chatted beyond that and we've stayed close for a really long time.

And about going to a trans-group, I think people might be a bit suspicious if it's obvious you're just an observer, but less if you're at least L/G/B yourself, but it's just my opinion.

Double X and proud of it / male pronouns : he, him, his