Bun wrote:
Oh, I hate 'you don't have it, my relative does'-replies, they're just baffling. It's more baffling when I found out a lot of people have been told that, that makes it another common phrase which makes no sense at all to me!
hate that with such a passion it's difficult to describe.
So many people have done that. One of my best friends said, "You know, rethinking it, I don't think you have it because my brother is the poster-child of a kid with Asperger's."
Then when I told another friend, she simply said to me, "That's bullsh*t!" and walked away. When I asked her later, she said it's simply because she knows someone else who has it more severe and therefore shows it more than I do.
that's BS.
The ignorance is astounding. People don't seem to realize that it's a
spectrum disorder. Also, it's kind of like saying, "I know you more than you know you." Don't you think?
Neurotypicals (or even other Aspies!) shouldn't assume these things if, a) They don't know anything about it, and/or b) They don't know anything about the person they are making assumptions about. Or anywhere in between!