Anxiled wrote:
Whht are the rules about eye contact anyway since I don't rally know how to make them?
DO I look at both eyes at the same time or look at one eye with both my eyes, or look at one eye with both my eyes then switch to the other person's eye?
Now for th million dollar question. Howdo I stop from being so uncomfortable looking someone in the eye? Even if I am wearing shades?
My facial expressions always weird out on me also. People always treat me differently than from others.
It depends on why eye contact makes you uncomfortable. Is it because it makes you feel that the other person could read into you and see your most private thoughts? If so, then remind yourself that nobody has this ability, not even those so-called psychic mediums. The only people who can do this are from Planet Betazed in the "Star Trek" universe.
Or is it because eye contact makes you lose track of the conversation? If so, then give eye contact during pauses in your speech or in the other person's, so they know you're still connected and paying attention, and so that you come across as confident and self-assured.
Eye contact can be relaxed in common routine social interactions, but sometimes you just gotta do it, like when it's time to convince the used car salesman that he needs to knock the priced down by $500 or you'll take your business elsewhere.