TrainofLove wrote:
Ah well, I knew they'd be a liberal nut-job in here somewhere

You may call me a liberal--I take that as a compliment.
And you may call me a nut job. Since you opinions are so odious, and so unfounded, I could hardly take offence.
But nothing that you can say will take away my qualifications, my experience, and the respect of my peers, both here and where it matters, in the real world.
I know that I'm not a bigot, and that's good enough for me.
You may well believe that.
But when you set yourself in opposition to the single most important political fight of a significant minority group, then I think you have to ask yourself the question of whether that is genuinely true.
How does same-sex marriage affect you? You are a self-proclaimed heterosexual. You are unlikely to ever be inclined to enter into a same-sex marriage. You can certainly never be compelled into one. How can any of this touch your life in any meaningful way? So why stand in the way of others who wish to pursue such marriages?
Your notion of diminishment of heterosexual rights is nonsensical. So what other reason can there be? I will gladly withdraw the epithet of bigot if you can present to me a single, cogent argument why the extension of same-sex marriage rights in New Zealand represents any diminishment of your personal rights, or the rights of any class of persons to which you belong.
Prove me wrong.