USA: I want to restructure the trans community

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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26 Dec 2013, 11:43 am

Actually this group I was in led me to discover my first instance of "binary-hate." (Although that is the label I am calling it, I haven't actually researched what it's labeled really labeled) Basically, people were being prejudiced because I'm on the gender binary. Because, you know, oneness in the community is too hard for some people. :roll:

I've experienced it from both a non-binary trans* person and a cis woman who both preferred that I should be non-binary and thought I was doing everything wrong by simply identifying as a man. Like seriously, the heck are people doing having preferences? Why are these preferences existing?

And I've also been on the opposite end of these preferences in a way because others (actually a lot of others) preferred me over another trans* guy as the real trans* guy. Like seriously, let the little guy feel comfortable with his identity, he's only just starting out and I'm only two years ahead of him transition-wise anyways. (I'm only talking about socially transitioning because that's all I did so far) Plus the little guy looks like a mini-Hank Green with a personality of a more hippie-ish Hank Green. I call that passing. I in comparison look like a more Sicilian version of the YouTuber itsamemyleo by complete accident and I'm not sure if that counts as passing better.


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26 Dec 2013, 12:24 pm

Magneto wrote:
Well, that depends. Are you talking about people who have had SAS (sex alignment surgery; since everyone seems to be using different terms, I thought I'd throw that out there), people who have transitioned, people who have a gender identity that's not cis...? The former will get you the sorts of figures often bandied around of 1 in 10,000 people being transgendered, the latter is much closer to 1 in 100 (it seems to be around 1:200 people are trans*, but most of them aren't transitioned - or are and are in stealth).

Though I suspect, if people were able to be completely open about everything, we'd find that people who are deemed neurotypical (cisgendered, non-autistic, heterosexual, lacking any mental disorders etc) will be in a surprisingly small minority.

Thanks. I will take any definition, since I really don't know what "transgender" means myself.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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26 Dec 2013, 9:31 pm

lotuspuppy wrote:
Pardon my ignorance, but how large is the transsexual/transgender community? Do any of us know what percentage of the broader LGBT community it is? I have never knowingly met a transgendered individual, so I must wonder if it's a small part of the already small broader LGBT community. Maybe that's why they are not organized into a coherent social force.

Sometimes I think there might be more than that, or maybe my school just has a high population. Either way, my high school rivals 1:100/1:200 and is probably more like 1:50.


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27 Dec 2013, 9:06 am

Eh, my high school had a ratio of about 1:25. But that was probably statistical noise from having ~50 students. It also only had a few girls (cis, that is), and probably more gays than would be expected. However, since it was a special school, and GID/GD amongst autistic people seems to be ~1:30...

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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27 Dec 2013, 6:44 pm

Yeah my school's pretty much almost 65% Aspie. Around 400 students in all. A lot of geeks, in every single clique. It seems my school just blends geeks into everything.
Stoner Geeks
Skater Geeks
Basketball Geeks
Soccer Geeks
Soccer Geeks Who Knit
Goth Geeks (Well ok there's only one Goth Geek and she is a transwoman as well and the biggest dork I know :D )
Emo Geeks
Scene Geeks
Preppy Geeks
Ghetto-Fab Geeks
"Gangster" Geeks (they think they're tough but they aren't!)
Hipster Geeks
Gay-as-the-sky-is-blue Geeks
Geek Geeks
The Even Geeker Geeks
Art Geeks

And there are trans kids in every single geeky clique. And there's ONE non-geeky stoner I know but that's really it. And EVERYONE just about likes Doctor Who, anime, and video games. We often joke that my school is full of everyone who would have gotten their butt's kicked at other schools, but I think it's pretty accurate.


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28 Dec 2013, 8:05 am

Are you sure you're not overusing the word geek, as most people these days are wont to do?

Anyway, since it's overused, and I'm not going to be able to reclaim it, I'd best get started on ensuring that I can validly claim the classifications Tinker and Thinker.