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12 Mar 2017, 9:04 am

Not sure if I'm a lesbian or not.

Emu Egg
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17 Apr 2017, 1:56 am

Just signed up bc I had to look at this thread, warning: childhood and porn mention
I knew I was gay since childhood, I started watching porn at like 11/12 mostly lesbian porn
And omgg op? Same! I've always felt attraction to anime men lmao even tho I'm a lesbian..lmao makes sense right? And I've only felt attraction to those characters. I wonder if I'll ever date because I feel little to no attraction to people, maybe I haven't found them yet :) :lol:


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18 Apr 2017, 4:40 pm

Recently out lesbian. Up until about 3 weeks ago I thought I was bi, and has thought that for over a decade. One of my lesbian friends did an intervention, which while initially unsuccessful made me actually think, and then eventually come talk to her again cuz like... Oops I'm a lesbian. And now I'm dating a cute girl.

Herein You Will Find Various And Numerous And Innumerable Hexes, Curses, Words In The Old Tongue To Cleave A’Twain Friend, Foe, Family Alike. If You So Choose. Money Hates Me, God Hates Me, My Wife Hates Me, My Own Hands Hate Me. But Thats All Beside The Point. The Point Is That My Time Here On Earth Runs Short. Im Not Dying But You All Are. Im A Glass Of Wine. Nothing Beats A Glass Of Wine. When The Kids Arent Home And Your A Mother Theres A Glass Of Wine There. A Glass Coffee Table And I’m A Glass Of Wine. Stressful Day When The Kids And you're Husband Then Glass Of Wine. Dark Chocolate Indulge. Petty Indulgences. When you're A Glass Of Wine And Let The Body’s Hit The Floor. When Your Glass Of Wine Is Running Short And You Say Heck What Of It. Why Dont I Have Another. Bartender I Am A Glass Of Wine. Bottoms Up And The Devil Laughs. The Bartender Remembers When It Happened. They All Remember When It Happened And If They Knew That You Dont Remember Then They Would Know That Something Is Awry Here Or So They Would Think. Something Would Be Amiss Or Smells Fishy. So Theyre All Relating There Stories Of Where They Were When That Event Happened And The Eyes Move Clockwise About The Room Where We All Share Our Glass Of Wine And Suddenly The Clock Ticks To You And They Ask The Fatal Question That Destroys Your Reputation, The Question You Could Never Answer, The Dead Giveaway: Where Were You When The Bodies Hit The Floor


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18 Apr 2017, 4:42 pm

Princessjmv wrote:
Just signed up bc I had to look at this thread, warning: childhood and porn mention
I knew I was gay since childhood, I started watching porn at like 11/12 mostly lesbian porn
And omgg op? Same! I've always felt attraction to anime men lmao even tho I'm a lesbian..lmao makes sense right? And I've only felt attraction to those characters. I wonder if I'll ever date because I feel little to no attraction to people, maybe I haven't found them yet :) :lol:

When I thought I was bi I was into really effeminate and short men and liked men cross dressing and now it's like.. oh oops lol. Projecting women onto you so I can fulfill some sort of fake attraction, whoops.

Herein You Will Find Various And Numerous And Innumerable Hexes, Curses, Words In The Old Tongue To Cleave A’Twain Friend, Foe, Family Alike. If You So Choose. Money Hates Me, God Hates Me, My Wife Hates Me, My Own Hands Hate Me. But Thats All Beside The Point. The Point Is That My Time Here On Earth Runs Short. Im Not Dying But You All Are. Im A Glass Of Wine. Nothing Beats A Glass Of Wine. When The Kids Arent Home And Your A Mother Theres A Glass Of Wine There. A Glass Coffee Table And I’m A Glass Of Wine. Stressful Day When The Kids And you're Husband Then Glass Of Wine. Dark Chocolate Indulge. Petty Indulgences. When you're A Glass Of Wine And Let The Body’s Hit The Floor. When Your Glass Of Wine Is Running Short And You Say Heck What Of It. Why Dont I Have Another. Bartender I Am A Glass Of Wine. Bottoms Up And The Devil Laughs. The Bartender Remembers When It Happened. They All Remember When It Happened And If They Knew That You Dont Remember Then They Would Know That Something Is Awry Here Or So They Would Think. Something Would Be Amiss Or Smells Fishy. So Theyre All Relating There Stories Of Where They Were When That Event Happened And The Eyes Move Clockwise About The Room Where We All Share Our Glass Of Wine And Suddenly The Clock Ticks To You And They Ask The Fatal Question That Destroys Your Reputation, The Question You Could Never Answer, The Dead Giveaway: Where Were You When The Bodies Hit The Floor

Emu Egg
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19 Aug 2017, 5:46 pm

Yay!! It's great to unite here :D

It's hard being a minority within a minority! To find someone who understands your AS within a tiny group is hard work, but worth it when you find the right girl.

My gf is still learning but she loves me enough to try and is open to learning more and how she can love me best so that I'm happy. I can't ask for much more than that, I'm very lucky :heart:

It's so lovely to meet you all and I'm glad I came across this forum.

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20 Aug 2017, 12:07 pm

hypnotik81 wrote:
Yay!! It's great to unite here :D

It's hard being a minority within a minority! To find someone who understands your AS within a tiny group is hard work, but worth it when you find the right girl.

Ha! I hear you. Being a minority within a minority within a minority (Black, Gay, Aspie), finding someone to understand you at all is...well...a challenge to say the least. IF I ever find the right girl, I already know that it'll be worth all the aggravation.

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 175 of 200
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01 Sep 2017, 10:44 am

Someone mentioned to me last weekend that I might be on the spectrum. I've started down the path to an official diagnosis, but I'm very concerned about this. I'm older and while being on the spectrum explains a helluva lot, I'm scared this will mean I'll never be able to have a relationship. The pool is already small given I'm a lesbian, and now smaller still if I'm on the spectrum. It's been a rough week.

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01 Sep 2017, 10:58 am

^^^ Don't let it bother you unduly. I'm in a happy relationship despite being on the spectrum. I was also diagnosed a bit late. I was only diagnosed a number of years after we met. There were many odd things he found hard to understand about me, but which made sense to him after I was diagnosed.

You'll find that a true soul mate won't care whether or not you're on the spectrum, but will accept you for who you are, with the qualities that make you you.

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02 Sep 2017, 11:09 pm

Yay! Hello girls! :D


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30 Sep 2017, 5:20 am

Another autistic girl who likes the girls here :D

I'm sailing across Spectrum Sea, in my little boat.
The waters of the port were choppy. After I set off, there was a long, massive storm.
Years later, however, the sea calmed. I'm still on tranquil sea, but I'll never reach the Neurotypical Beach.


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25 Oct 2017, 3:39 am

I'm so glad I found this forum and this thread! I know that I'm pretty much a lesbian. Bisexual Homoromantic to be exact. I strongly suspect that I am also on the spectrum. All I know is that I feel pretty isolated right now, different from others and unable to reach out and connect. It's really nice to have this forum because I feel like I can relate to what people are saying, and there seems to be a lot of creativity just on this entire site in general and I love that!

Does anyone else get really obsessive when they like someone? I fell in love with someone when I was 14, and although I've been in love since then, whenever I get over a crush I go back to thinking about that person from way back when I was 14. I also only am attracted to people who are older than me for the most part. Wondering if anyone can relate.

I've always loved psychology and am really interested to know if their are other people out there like me and why we feel the way we do and how it works and how the brain works and all of that stuff.

Emu Egg
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04 Nov 2017, 4:25 pm

Hey everyone :) I'm glad I stumbled upon this site, it's so difficult to find people I can relate to in the offline world! Anyone interested in science and philosophy?


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27 Nov 2017, 8:18 pm

Ronanne wrote:
Someone mentioned to me last weekend that I might be on the spectrum. I've started down the path to an official diagnosis, but I'm very concerned about this. I'm older and while being on the spectrum explains a helluva lot, I'm scared this will mean I'll never be able to have a relationship. The pool is already small given I'm a lesbian, and now smaller still if I'm on the spectrum. It's been a rough week.

I hear your fears! Not only am a lesbian, I am only attracted to and date like 0.00128% of the LBT population. :-) Just went to a wedding in November where the other femme was also an ex of the person getting married, and had also dated two other people I had dated over the years. Being a lesbian now means you will always have an ex who knows at least three of your friends.

I was diagnosed in my 40s, but had been a lesbian since teens and out and in queer culture in my early 20s.

I knew how to be out and queer, and have (bad) relationships, but there was always something that got in the way to a perfect relationship...

When I was finally diagnosed, it was that AHA moment. I learned if I wanted relationships with NT cuties, I would have to meet them halfway and do the horrible stuff like " C O M M U N I C A T E " and talk about "feelings"... blech.

I don't think relationships will ever be easy. Just remember NTs have issues with relationships, too.


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07 Dec 2017, 1:19 am

Yesss, I'm a lesbian and an Aspie nwn And black. It's nice to hear of other folks who have those same traits. I've only ever even met one female Aspie in my life, so it's nice to be able to talk to people here. Anime also had an involvement in my figuring out I liked females :v But up until a few years ago I assumed I was straight and would just eventually gain interest in and date a guy. I did end up dating a guy once who had a crush on me, but found out it wasn't for me. But I always had interest in females anyway, and in masculinity but not males.

The only people I've ever though I had a crush on were female, too. I doubt I'll find a female who would be willing to date me, though X3 Or at least that's always been my stance on it. I'm sure there's someone somewhere, but I feel like I'm kinda high-maintenance and all of the LGBT folks in my area aren't the type I'd wanna hang out with, let alone date. I feel like I'm kind of a specific type of person, that most people don't factor in to what they might want or what they might be looking for. The type that falls through the search results ^^; But maybe that's a common feeling for folks with autism, I have no idea. I've never really spoken to any. I just thought I'd add more to what I had to say, so I hope this isn't too off-topic or anything.

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09 Dec 2017, 6:03 pm

I'm late, but here I am!

Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3

Emu Egg
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18 Dec 2017, 6:52 pm

Hey! Also late but happy to have made it!
Ok I am like, bi with lesbian rising and I don't have a diagnostic, only my strongest and avidly informed suspicion...BUT

I am debatting my identity after being out as bi for a few years, and my suspicion-not-diagnostic which will have to do for the couple of years until I am back in my birth country bc I am only going to do this in my first language and with a strong support network.

I am here tonight because I have a second date tomorrow and am freaking out a little. I am afraid she will think I am weird because I can't feel and verbalise emotions at the same time, let alone do this calmly. I am afraid I will just "people please" her to pass better, fail my own boundaries and ruin a perfectly nice fling opportunity. And I can't tell her about a diagnostic I don't have.

And I wish I had a queer aspie friend to help me make decisions to make the best out of an imperfect situation...

By which I mean: hey! So glad you're all here.