Ronanne wrote:
Someone mentioned to me last weekend that I might be on the spectrum. I've started down the path to an official diagnosis, but I'm very concerned about this. I'm older and while being on the spectrum explains a helluva lot, I'm scared this will mean I'll never be able to have a relationship. The pool is already small given I'm a lesbian, and now smaller still if I'm on the spectrum. It's been a rough week.
I hear your fears! Not only am a lesbian, I am only attracted to and date like 0.00128% of the LBT population.

Just went to a wedding in November where the other femme was also an ex of the person getting married, and had also dated two other people I had dated over the years. Being a lesbian now means you will always have an ex who knows at least three of your friends.
I was diagnosed in my 40s, but had been a lesbian since teens and out and in queer culture in my early 20s.
I knew how to be out and queer, and have (bad) relationships, but there was always something that got in the way to a perfect relationship...
When I was finally diagnosed, it was that AHA moment. I learned if I wanted relationships with NT cuties, I would have to meet them halfway and do the horrible stuff like " C O M M U N I C A T E " and talk about "feelings"... blech.
I don't think relationships will ever be easy. Just remember NTs have issues with relationships, too.