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18 Jun 2016, 12:09 pm

I wished I had noticed earlier. Maybe I wouldn't have said 'I am male' so much. LOL Maybe you should try to see if you can do what I did?

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18 Jun 2016, 12:13 pm

it is ironic that in the refutation of having to choose a binary answer, you present yourself with a much more elaborate set of labels that make you more a slave to labels than just answering one of 2 choices. i could not care less what the lettering sequence of your sexuality is and if it is more important to you than what you can otherwise think and say then bye bye.


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18 Jun 2016, 12:17 pm

The division of the two biological sexes is being exacerbated and perpetuated by the division of the multiplicity of social genders.

In other words, insisting on special labels only makes the current situation worse.


I have asked the mods to contact Alex for his input and final word on the matter.


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18 Jun 2016, 12:26 pm

if i was alex i would not be me so i would think differently i guess, but people are people and it is not of interest to my type of thinking what they label themselves as let alone watch them agonize over a plethora of choices and then go on to describe themselves in that way as if it is all that matters.
sexuality is not important to the world really in my opinion and i do not care about peoples descriptions of themselves with their sexuality as the first thing they go on about.
it is so egotistical to demand that society provide them with checkboxes that they can check in order to relieve themselves of actually having to say things that are interesting


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18 Jun 2016, 12:48 pm

zkydz wrote:
I have no idea.....I never noticed......

edit....I just looked and noticed that, for some reason, the gender select is still on select. Not changing it either...nyah, nyah....LOL

Argh stop it! Hahahaha! :twisted: :lol: :lol:


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18 Jun 2016, 12:54 pm

b9 wrote:
if i was alex i would not be me so i would think differently i guess, but people are people and it is not of interest to my type of thinking what they label themselves as let alone watch them agonize over a plethora of choices and then go on to describe themselves in that way as if it is all that matters.
sexuality is not important to the world really in my opinion and i do not care about peoples descriptions of themselves with their sexuality as the first thing they go on about.
it is so egotistical to demand that society provide them with checkboxes that they can check in order to relieve themselves of actually having to say things that are interesting

I would be happy if my gender could be "people". What do you think someone should choose in the gender box? Their biological sex? That's it?

Gender identity does not equal sexual identity. Gender identity is not a label, it is who you are.


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18 Jun 2016, 1:00 pm

frag wrote:
Gender identity is not a label, it is who you are.
Some labels are required no matter what. For instance, a straight guy would not go for a gay guy. So, the labels differentiate and clarify. Unfortunately, they are also used for other, bad purposes. But, idiots will do that no matter what.

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18 Jun 2016, 4:06 pm

Picture someone (person A) who looks like a masculine man who has "I am a woman" written on his/her shirt, and someone (person B) who physically looks like a feminine woman who has "I am a man" on her/his shirt. Picture these people in lavatories, associating with children they do not know, and other gender associated situations. If person A was sexually attracted to men, should person A call him/herself heterosexual or homosexual?

The gender to be chosen in the profile is to tell the members of the forum something, and when not aligned to a single gender, we must choose what we want that something to be.

I was once on a depression forum, and I eventually was locked out. It is definite that if they thought I was a woman, everything I said would be taken differently, and they would have thought I was very nice. But the same thing said as a man was interpreted horrible, and there was nothing I could say that would change their mind.
If, on the other hand, I would have said I was a woman, the advice they would give me would not work, because anyone who sees me would immediately see me as a man.


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18 Jun 2016, 4:32 pm

Picture someone sitting at a computer, reading posts on a public website. Should this person be concerned about the sex and gender of people who submitted those posts?

Yes, but only if sex or gender is the primary factor in determining the validity of what was posted.

Picture a male rejecting any post submitted by a female as frivolous and untruthful, and then flaming those women for daring to have opinions of their own. This would be sexist.

Now picture a non-binary individual doing the same thing to any binary individual whom they disagree with.

Do we really need yet another reason to divide us against each other?

Sex and gender don't matter, so why not remove need to declare sex or gender in the first place?

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18 Jun 2016, 5:52 pm

Fnord, I wonder this about you:

If you were in a society where "official gender" did not exist. People looked different ways, masculine, feminine, etc. People can describe themself, but it is always just traits, never that someone IS male or female. Everything is unisex; one lavatory, no "boyscouts" or "girlscouts", just "scouts". If you wanted to find a sex partner over the internet, you could see their picture, and ask any question you want to see how they think, but the package concepts "male" and "female" do not exist. Would this be OK?

How about age. You could talk to them to see how wise they are, you could see their picture, how tall they are. But in that society, people are not classified as to age. If they pass their drivers test, they drive. But everything is just traits (e.g. height, how much they know, how they act), no age. You can be too tall, too intelligent, too wrinked, too sick, etc, but you can never be too old (or too young); those concepts do not exist in that society. Would that be OK with you?

It would be a much happier world for me, that's for sure!


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18 Jun 2016, 6:43 pm


If sex and gender were irrelevant to the contexts of politics, religion, housing, employment, education, and even friendship, this world would be a better place.

An individual's sex is important only for reproductive copulation - maybe not so much in the near future, but that's the way it is now. If making babies is important to someone, then declaring his or her biological sex is important too.

An individual's gender is important for ... what? Determining who to dance with, make out with, and engage in recreational copulation with when they're horny, and that's about it. Maybe it's also important for some people to help them decide what to wear and how to behave in public, but that depends more on climate and culture than on identity.


Your opinions may vary, of course ...


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18 Jun 2016, 7:10 pm

I thought there was a "prefer not to tell" option.

b9 wrote:
i think the question is aimed at establishing whether you have a penile protuberance or a vaginal invagination.
there can only be one answer to either of the questions.
beyond that, i guess it is up to you to maintain the momentum of your notions.

You know, some people have both a hole and a stick, and some people have neither hole nor stick.

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20 Jun 2016, 7:26 am

zkydz wrote:
I have no idea.....I never noticed......

edit....I just looked and noticed that, for some reason, the gender select is still on select. Not changing it either...nyah, nyah....LOL

I wish mine would disappear <,< >,> I noticed that some others have where the "gender" doesn't appear in the forums.


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20 Jun 2016, 8:20 am

What is preferable, if Alex were able to make changes? Adding more options for Gender (like Facebook did), or replacing that with a list of preferred pronouns?

It shifts the discussion from labels and definitions, to simply stating how you'd like to be addressed.

I run a different site where this came up, and we only use gender to create pronouns to make text - someday we'll change this to just ask pronoun directly and not bother with sex or gender.

I swallowed a bug.


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20 Jun 2016, 4:15 pm

Nine7752 wrote:
What is preferable, if Alex were able to make changes? Adding more options for Gender (like Facebook did), or replacing that with a list of preferred pronouns?

It shifts the discussion from labels and definitions, to simply stating how you'd like to be addressed.

I run a different site where this came up, and we only use gender to create pronouns to make text - someday we'll change this to just ask pronoun directly and not bother with sex or gender.

Asking for pronouns is weird for people who aren't familiar with the idea.

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20 Jun 2016, 6:27 pm

Fnord wrote:
AspE wrote:
It's not that it's inconvenient, it's that it leaves the problem existing. What are you defending here? Alex's free time?
YES. It's his website, not ours, and he charges no one any money to access it. In fact, no one is being forced to even log on!

Your participation on this website is voluntary. So is Alex's. He doesn't even have to respond to PMs. He could easily shut this whole thing down and not apologize to anyone, if he so chooses - it's his website, and his right.

And no one's forcing Alex to change it, it's just a request.