Civet wrote:
I am sensitive to heat. I also can't drink coffee or tea or hot drinks, unless they've cooled down sufficiently. I always gawk at people who order a cup of chai at the same time I do and start sipping away immediately, while I have to wait atleast 5-10 minutes before I can even think about drinking mine.
I usually wait close to 1 hour, until it cools to room temperature. Otherwise drink has no taste. Of course, if ice is available, I will use it to cool the tea faster. However, the "ice with addition of tea", as commonly served in Texas and elsewhere, is way too cold for me.
Civet wrote:
Prolonged exposure to cold water has the same effect on me, and it will even begin to "feel" hot to my hand if it is too cold. Does this happen to anyone else?
When I have cold hands, for example after coming home in a frosty day in winter, I will put them in cold water and it would feel warm. Also I noticed that cold water desensitizes temperature receptors in my skin and - as a result - gradually feels warmer. That's why I can usually withstand even a very cold water, although it is by no way comfortable. (I once washed my hair in a near-freezing water. It was so cold that it caused blood vessels in my brain to constrict and various brain areas to shut down, most notable being loss of eyesight. I had to massage my head for at least one minute before I could see again.)
On the other hand I am not very tolerant of hot temperatures. I overheat easily, and this is no fun.
Last edited by magic on 26 Jul 2004, 2:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.