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Raph522 Veteran
Joined: 4 May 2006Gender: FemalePosts: 13,717
oreo would be sad
9CatMom Veteran
Joined: 1 Jan 2007Gender: FemalePosts: 5,403
I lack the stamina to run a marathon. I prefer the mile, although I can't run competitively at all.
You can do it 9catmom or at least one of you cats could for you
TheAPERSON Veteran
Joined: 18 Apr 2007Age: 34Gender: MalePosts: 3,301Location: Green Hill Zone
New stats just in: Raph: 16 Tim: 1 Chris: 1 Steel: 1 Sopho: 12 ahayes: 1 9CatMom: 1 TheAPERSON: 2 So in 1st place is Raph, in 2nd place is Sopho and in 3rd place is me (or everyone else if I don't count myself
so I am the winner?
Yes, my cats could help train me!
The competition isn't over yet but it looks like Raph is going to win Raph: 17 Tim: 1 Chris: 1 Steel: 1 Sopho: 12 ahayes: 1 9CatMom: 2 TheAPERSON: 3 Competition ends on Sunday, so there's still two more days to go. This Marathon ain't over yet! Oh, and if you lack the stamina to run a marathon then don't worry. The marathon term is a metaphor. But please continue posting.
looks like I''ll win though
Oh no you don't
I seriously think I will what is the prize anyway
SteelMaiden Veteran
Joined: 19 Aug 2006Age: 35Gender: FemalePosts: 3,722Location: London
Marathon? Not quite, but this year, I'm training for a 10k run. And next year, HALF MARATHON! XD
:I I don't like running...
SamuraiSaxen Veteran
Joined: 11 Sep 2006Age: 38Gender: FemalePosts: 3,465Location: Mexico
This is my first post
I should probably give peopel time to catch up, this doesn't even seem like a race right now
2ND POST!! !
CrimsonEdge Veteran
Joined: 22 Feb 2007Age: 34Gender: MalePosts: 879Location: not here
First post!