Anybody here care about women?
LegoMaster, thank you for this thread; it's great to see a young guy like you care about women at such a young age; most of the guys I went to school with when we were your age were as*holes and on a school trip after they made fun o a group of girls the guidance counselor even said "Now you'll have to prove to me that you're good people, because it doesn't look like it." He essentially told them to have some class.
You're welcome.

But I am not one of them. I want something positive for both men and women in this world. We can change! It won't be easy, and it won't be overnight, but we can do something to make things better in our world! This thread is one of the worlds changes for the culture. It is small, yes, but it is a positive change. And finally, I hope this gives courage to women, that there are good men out there.
Good luck to all of you,
-LegoMaster2149 (Written on September 8, 2017)
You're welcome.

But I am not one of them. I want something positive for both men and women in this world. We can change! It won't be easy, and it won't be overnight, but we can do something to make things better in our world! This thread is one of the worlds changes for the culture. It is small, yes, but it is a positive change. And finally, I hope this gives courage to women, that there are good men out there.
Good luck to all of you,
-LegoMaster2149 (Written on September 8, 2017)
I find something funny with a thread like this. Some men will look at other men and talk bad about how they look at women but you never see women look at other women and talk bad about how they look at men!
Many women talk about how a man needs to have a good job, living alone, car, healthy, and when a guy gets refused because he doesn't have some of these things, everyone agrees. Yet everyone bashes other men for looking for attractive women.
It's as if society say, "You can bash a guy for having no power or influence over anything no matter what his problems may be but, bash a woman for not being attractive and everyone will hate you!"
Men seem like they have to change criteria for women to be dateable but women don't have to change their criteria for men to be dateable.
Autism is a disorder not a personality trait!
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference."
As a woman I feel most men treat me and others as there equal that being said I have to admit that there are some men who view woman as objects for there personal pleasure
We both see the same World, but in a different way. Ty Feels the same joy I do, the joy of creation. We feel all the same things, only the shape of our feelings are different.
[Cassandra Clare][Lady Midnight]
It's hard to care about something when you don't care about yourself haha...
Err but some women deserve respect and some don't. It's easy to get disrespected if you're a pushover you know? If you aren't confident in yourself and don't respect yourself then why would anyone else? Many women get pushed into submission and if they don't get themselves out then they probably deserve to be there.
it's a very broad question really.
one has to read between the lines of a single line sentence to understand what it's asking.
if i was living in the 1800's , i would need my socks darned, and my meals cooked and my offspring suckled and my ...err...sexual protuberance satisfied.
you needed women to do the labor of scrubbing clothes in wooden barrels filled with lye and stuff, and then rinsing them and wringing them out and whatever.
you also needed a meal to be prepared by a woman who had much free time after her other chores were done to prepare meals and wash the dishes etc.
there were many uses for women back then.
now i can buy a pack of 20 pairs of socks for $2.50 (which renders them disposable), so i do not need them washed, let alone darned.
shirts and stuff are drip dry and you can just buy 50 identical shirts and wear them all and then wash them using a machine that is just a press of a button.
you don't need to pamper to it by telling it it did a good job.
then the clothes dryer is also fully automatic.
no pegs and clothes lines to worry about any more.
i do admit they are gorgeous.
i can not imagine how a woman can be attracted physically to a man because men are ugly.
i also can do as i please.
i live alone and own my house and play games until 7am with loud explosions coming through the speakers (war games), and a woman would get up and be cranky if i lived with one.
i can get up when i please, eat what i please (takeaway), and go where i want when i want to do what i want with no restraint from a disapproving woman.
but women feel the same way these days about being happier to retain their autonomy.
i do not feel essentially different from women. i obviously realize they are deserved of respect and peaceful unimpeded progress through their lives too. men are not better than women.
but i really don't care for company of any sort other than an innocent animal.
i don't know that,
it seems to be not for me and its all not getting better at all
i might care so much it'll be me deth for all i know
the deliberate condition of underdevelopement serves (as intended-in hindsight) quite a lot of more underdeveloppement,
the continued invention of fashionable woman-child (elite-model, re-served as massmodel), consumption and clean hands, (even the burka is that) blabla
once i redacted an article on death in childbirth was a certain perc. throughout time, but got much worse during the industrial revolution, finally with the hygiene-reinvention some hundred years ago it was back to where it used to be
but it's sold as a big step forward, hehe
and you notice lots more of progressivist tales like that, when you learn more, anthropocentrism, the big R (bearded men in dresses, who's superstitious?)
we're all slaveholders by intention, if and you do, want to profit from cheaper labor than you want to be paid yourself (think your techtoys), if we want to have things and things done, for little pay, if you want to see value grow while using the thing, if buying things you can't pay, if wanting things done on your behalf without a movement of a muscle yourself (meanwhile this whole thing goes to be AI, to presumebly free us of accountability, it will be doing just that, putting all accountability(pay!!) on the living beings io to de-accountabilize the organisation(s) and those who work for it
no difference if male or female, the more uncertain/unaware/freightened you are, the more unhinged to ride on anothers back, too
You're welcome.

But I am not one of them. I want something positive for both men and women in this world. We can change! It won't be easy, and it won't be overnight, but we can do something to make things better in our world! This thread is one of the worlds changes for the culture. It is small, yes, but it is a positive change. And finally, I hope this gives courage to women, that there are good men out there.
Good luck to all of you,
-LegoMaster2149 (Written on September 8, 2017)
I find something funny with a thread like this. Some men will look at other men and talk bad about how they look at women but you never see women look at other women and talk bad about how they look at men!
Many women talk about how a man needs to have a good job, living alone, car, healthy, and when a guy gets refused because he doesn't have some of these things, everyone agrees. Yet everyone bashes other men for looking for attractive women.
It's as if society say, "You can bash a guy for having no power or influence over anything no matter what his problems may be but, bash a woman for not being attractive and everyone will hate you!"
Men seem like they have to change criteria for women to be dateable but women don't have to change their criteria for men to be dateable.
That's because the requirements for men to be attractive to women are different than the requirements for women be attractive to men. The average woman is attractive to most men, but the inverse is not true. That's why most women are attracted to a few number of guys (that whole 80/20 stupidity). The result is that those few guys that women are attracted to can afford to be chosy with women, reverting the biological roles and making them compete for those guys.
Basically, women don't like to be the ones to be choosed, I guess. Also, I'm not saying this is right or wrong, sexist or not. It's just what I see happening.
It's because it does. Why do you think male suicide is more common?
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