I use it in a very limited way but I have found it to be essential to maintain some personal contact, since I have so little of it in real life, and it has allowed me to be in touch with people I knew years ago whom I would not have had an excuse to contact otherwise. I find that there is a comfort in communicating, even in a limited way, with people I have known for years, even if I was not in touch with them for most of those years. We have a shared history.
The way I use social media is that I post, on Instagram, photos of events I went to or photos I took around the neighborhood that I think are pretty or of artwork that I made, with a very brief description. One a day or less. I have it set up so that the same posts also post on Facebook, where I know more people than I do on Instagram. This way I don't get into discussions, I basically just post pretty pictures, that to some extent document my life but only very casually. And it's nice to get likes and occasional comments, because it's like people saying hello. I see a "like" as a hello, because how much do they really care about or enjoy the actual picture? They're just being nice. So I find that pleasant.
And I try to reciprocate by saying hello to others by liking their posts and occasionally adding a comment if I have something nice or funny or compassionate (to commiserate if they posted something distressing to them) to say.