kraftiekortie wrote:
That's what I said above, in essence. That the man should stop ogling the woman. I wouldn't get all bent out of shape if a woman said this to me. Even if I wasn't actually looking at her breasts, I would concede the point.
A woman wouldn’t say this to you unless you were staring at her chest.
But I can understand a woman's reticence, since there are other guys who might react too strongly to this. I can understand a woman not wanting to feel like they're going through a minefield. I wouldn't want that for myself.
It doesn’t really bother me that much anymore. Women get used to it, but most would not ask men out who did this unless they were similarly desperate for sex. I don’t fully understand this because I think masturbation would be preferable, but whatever. We’re all different, I suppose.
“Devant cette nuit chargée de signes et d'étoiles, je m'ouvrais pour la première fois à la tendre indifférence du monde.” — Camus, L’étranger