When I was 4 and couldn't speak. I was diagnosed with Autism at that time. Autism itself is not something you "wonder" about, it's something you either have or you don't. Second Autism is a disorder not a personality trait. I think the science folks screwed up when they changed the DSM to lump all autism disorders into the same category. The functioning levels makes no sense and now we have a bunch of people questioning whether they are on the spectrum or not. You can have traits of autism that are so close that people would question or tell you that you are autistic but, that doesn't mean you HAVE autism.
My mother is an example. She has many traits that are similar to autism, I questioned it, her therapist did, and even she did, the reason why she says she is not is because even though she has those traits they were not significant enough to warrant getting the diagnoses and as I said Autism is a disorder not a personality trait. Also, other people determine whether you have Autism not you. You can wish it, want it, feel like you have it, it doesn't matter because it is not up to YOU to determine that, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists(to a degree), and therapists decide whether it is appropriate to warrant giving you the "Autism" label or not. Self-assessments have proven to be one of the worse ways to determine a disability which is why anytime you type in "Do I have autism?" in Google or read books, many times they tell you that the information can help but, see a professional to assess whether you have it or not. Even in those "online tests" that people refer to a lot on here they even tell you that this test is in no way a determining factor of autism and that you should seek a professional to properly be assessed.
Autism is a disorder not a personality trait!
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference."