ElmersTrueLove wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
If you feel like watching the Simpsons represents some sort of maturity milestone, give it a shot. If you don't like it, that's fine. If you do like it, that's fine too.
Most mature anime isn't hentai (x-rated) and most x-rated content focuses on legal content. Unless you're creeping around the dark web you're unlikely to encounter video with illegal content.
Y@ndere and underaged characters being sexualized is illegal and that's all anime is.
There's multiple layers to unpack here.
For starters, yandere characters only appear in a few genres of anime and manga, they'd be wildly out of place in many other genres of anime. They might work in romantic and comedy themed anime but in stuff that doesn't have romantic themes there isn't even a way one could include that sort of character.
Secondly, characters being sexualized (regardless of age) isn't universal in anime because many genres don't deal with situations or themes that would allow for it. Some anime looks for excuses for fan service, but this isn't universal and might be falling out of fashion somewhat.
A show like Wangan Midnight doesn't sexualize any of it's characters because the focus is on street racing, you see very little of the characters private lives outside of that focus. Take your pick of Miyazaki films, you won't find a sexualized situation in any of them. A show like Lucky Star makes some pretty tame innuendos, but it would be a stretch to describe it as sexualizing any of the characters.
It's not like there aren't R-rated animes with sexual themes, but they're usually the same sort of content that Hollywood also pedals in. Actual hentai also exists, but most anime isn't hentai and most hentai isn't loli or shota.
If depicting minors as sexualized characters was illegal there wouldn't be multiple movies made of the novel Lolita (for example). What's illegal is child pornography, which is not defined so broadly that something like that would count.
Beyond that, if all the anime you've seen is illegal pornography you should question if where you're seeing anime is a good source.
So basically:
A lot of anime doesn't incorporate romantic or sexual themes at all.
A lot that does incorporate those themes doesn't focus on them.
A significant portion that focuses on them doesn't do so in a pornographic sense, but instead uses those themes not unlike how Hollywood does, or for ecchi comedy.
Most pornographic anime features characters who are intended to be adults, even when they also use moe aesthetics which can make characters appear ambiguous due to their proportions.
You should try to watch anime on places other than porn sites if all you're ever seeing is hentai. I don't think I've ever seen hentai posted to regular anime sites.
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If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing. —Malcolm X
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