Dating doesn’t need to cost much money. If we’re going to share personal stories, I could talk about my first relationship which was with someone who was still living at home because he couldn’t afford his own place. I was 24. He was 26.
Sample dates that we went on:
1. Getting hoagies at my favorite hoagie shop. Yum! We paid separately - $7 each. We followed it up with a walk at a riverside park.
2. Seeing a movie at a cheap drive-in with or without friends.
3. Hanging out at his house or mine, preferably when family wasn’t home. We watched movies or played video games.
Most poor people I know are in relationships. They may not go to fancy restaurants on dates, but they wouldn’t even expect to. I will say that it might be harder to date someone who has a lot more money than you do because it would be difficult to afford the stuff they’re used to. That could create awkwardness depending on the people involved.
Poor people typically date by hanging out at each other’s houses, mutual friends’ houses, going on walks in parks, eating at inexpensive restaurants - sometimes just on special occasions, bowling or roller skating at cheap places on pay day, etc. It’s really not difficult to have an enjoyable date with little to no money. I’ve done it on many occasions as have, perhaps, the majority of people I’ve known.
Most people in the world are poor, and they still seem to manage to form relationships despite that. Third world countries have high fertility rates. Obviously, they don’t have the same access to birth control or education. Sure, there are different cultural expectations, but there are also different expectations here depending on one’s socioeconomic status.
“Tú, que me lees, ¿estás seguro de entender mi lenguaje?” — Jorge Luis Borges