fatherof3 wrote:
My son who 11 years old has asperger. I am worried about what happens when he becomes a teenager. Will he have friends, Will he be able to driver a car, Will he have a girlfriend?Does ayone have answers to my questions
I am 16 years old, and I was diagnosed with Aspergers when I was 9. I knew I was different then, but it never really held me down. Your son may have a different side of the syndrome than girls do, since girls, I've read, know how to socialize a little more than boys do. But generally, he will most likely find some people who are similar to him, and hang out with them. One of the best groups to hang out with is the band. Band is a structured place (which is good for people with AS), it also is fun, and you learn social and life skills (I learn some while on band trips); I have learned more life skills in band than any of my other classes in high school so far. It also teaches them to cope and work together with others, which is such an important skill to learn. You could get some of that from other groups at school, but band by far was the best for me. Oh yeah, will he be able to drive a car, it depends on what needs your son has (like what level of coordination and motor skills he has, and if he gets too freaked out and stuff); I still haven't taken the test or drivers-ed., but I can tell you I am scared to drive from the fear of getting lost. I want to learn to drive, though, because it will be useful. Will he have a girlfriend, it all depends on how mature your son will be when he becomes a teenager. You have to remember that people with AS tend to develop emotionally later than usual, so your son may not be interested in girls until he hits his 20's or something. Although, there are some of us who develop an interest in the opposite sex earlier than that. It all depends on the circumstances and the choices and the wants that your son has. Hope this will be helpful to you.
I'm 24 years old and live in WA State. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 9. I received a BS in Psychology in 2011 and I intend to help people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, either through research, application, or both. On the ?Pursuit of Aspieness?.