tmad40blue wrote:
Sorry to spoil the party, but I detest Guitar Hero, Rock Band, etc. I'm just not coordinated enough to play them. I can work wonders on a piano but Guitar Hero / Rock Band find me confused and depressed. The controls aren't intuitive at all.
DDR is better.
My biggest complaint with DDR has always been my dislike of the music they use in them. I might actually give DDR a shot if they released one that actually had music I like, but somehow I don't see that happening.
And trust me, if you gave Guitar Hero a shot, you could pick it up if you wanted to, it just takes some practice. I started off sucking hard on Medium and playing a little bit of Easy at first when I first got Guitar Hero II, and now play on Expert(Though I never did finish Expert on GH2, I never quite got that good). Same with Rock Band, the only song on Expert I can't do is Green Grass and High Tides. But even on Hard is still great fun. Assuming you like the music in them at all, which is the biggest point of a rhythm game in the first place.