Yog-Sothoth wrote:
Aright, think about this.
I'm gonna use this song as an example, Sorgens Kammer by Dimmu Borgir:
Dimmu could easily right a song like the pop song in question, but do you think whatever the band that made that pop song could write a song like Sorgens Kammer, let alone perform it as well or sing in Norwegian?
Well I don't want to start another flamewar here, since I seem to do that so easily. I only said that sh** in the first place cause I needed to release some anger, I don't feel like arguing about it anymore, but I am just defending my point right now.
First of all, what makes you so sure that Dimmu Borgir COULD write Music Is My Hot Hot Sex? They don't seem to have quite the same way with a melody. Even if they could, I doubt they could perform it as charmingly as Lovefoxx does - and can they speak Brazilian?
I don't doubt that CSS would find it hard to write a song like Sorgens Kammer, but I shan't hold it against them.