murphycop wrote:
So what are they, gender benders? Its just another case of society gone made in my view. If they feel inside they are the opposite to what they were born as, then they are either that gender or the one they are currently, nothing in between.
Okay, let's leave gender dysphoria to the side for the moment.
What of people who are intersexed? Where do you classify people with Kleinfelter's Syndrome or Turner's Syndrome? Conservatively, there are perhaps 6 million people on the planet with sex chromosome abnormalities. Do you suggest that everyone must simply be classified by their external genitalia?
Certainly 99.9% of people fit within the simple model of sexual dimorphism. But we are intelligent enough to encompass a broader understanding of what it means to be human. We are capable of understanding that the categories of male and female are sufficient for the vast majority, but they are not universal.
See I did say physically to volo, but she said no not physically. What about hermaphrodite's? Like the female runner who won the gold medal by a mile. She was tested for drugs and stuff, turned out she had some male organs inside I think. And they removed them. She's still a woman.