purchase wrote:
Why don't you want to be bi in the first place? Just because of social constraints?
If so understood. But just to let you know that I think the fact you or anybody is bi is "pretty cool", as the fake Miley Cyrus would say on the Miley Cyrus Show on SNL. If you don't watch it never mind, I should probably make more well-known references.
Hopefully your family will come around. If not, just keep being you. Come to think of it my own family don't know for me, so you're already more courageous than me.
Sorry for taking forever to reply. I haven't been online much recently.
Yeah I don't want to be because of social constraints. Even in this day and age it's looked down on. I don't want to upset my family either. My mother clearly dislikes that sort of thing and tells me not to say things like that if I bring up my sexuality. She's not homophobic but she doesn't think being attracted to people of the same gender is normal, so she wants her own kids to be straight. She sort of scowls at me if I show any sign of being interested in girls. So I think it's best for everyone involved if I just stay in the closet.