Erisad wrote:
Okay, I was at an LGBT conference last month and I was talking with an open lesbian. She asked me what I identified myself as and I said, "A heterosexual Ally." She kinda snapped back at me with, "we don't need sympathy from breeders." I wasn't even sure what the term meant but I knew it was offensive and related to my being straight. I reply to her, "What? Why don't you want the support of heterosexuals? Seems kind of counterproductive doesn't it?" She muttered something and walked away. I was really confused. I talked to other Allies at the conference and they experienced similar things as well.
I went home and then looked up the definition of a "breeder" and this is what I found:
"Breeder is a slang term (either joking or derogatory) used to describe heterosexuals, primarily by homosexuals. It is drawn from the fact that while homosexual sex does not lead to reproduction, heterosexual sex can, with implicit mocking by connotation of animal husbandry."
Okay, so what I want to know is why some heterosexual receive this kind of backlash for supporting the LGBT community. My uncle who acted as my father figure after my parents split was closeted as homosexual through most of my childhood and was kicked out of the house after he came out. So while I haven't experienced this discrimination firsthand, I'm still affected by it. Why shouldn't I be permitted to support the LGBT community?
P.S. I haven't been treated this way by ALL LGBT, it was just the one time that made me want to post about it. I've been embraced by most of my coworkers at the LGBT Center at my university, hence why I was invited to this conference in the first place. I'm just asking what people think. >.<
Breeder also means bad parent and it's also a derogatory word in that context. Off topic I know but I wanted to say this.