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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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30 Dec 2015, 10:02 pm

I am an aspie and an MtF. I transitioned at age eighteen and received a diagnosis for ASD earlier this year at the age of twenty. When I first came out at age sixteen, I tried to push myself so hard to act like a normal female but my aspie traits made this extremely difficult. Eventually I just gave up trying to act normal and embraced my weird autistic personality. My therapist at the time saw it as a sign of true self acceptance and gave me the green light for HRT.

I have to say though, I am extremely lucky to have had a very androgynous physique prior to transition. With pants on, I'm physically indistinguishable from a cis woman, and as a result, people never question my gender identity based on my odd behavior. If anything, I pass as a fairly standard, tomboyish girl with noticeably unusual eccentricities.

It also took me a while to realize I was transgender, seeing as how I've never felt anything in common with men or women for that matter.


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17 Jan 2016, 8:51 pm

I am 19 years old and I am a MTF aspie transgender. You could say I am in the early stages of transition; only now am I starting to question my own gender and try wearing women's clothing. I've never been the type that can easily be the 'manly man' that society is used to having. I tend to be fragile, tender and smart, usually preferring to think more than taking brute action.

Here's a list of things that (as of now) makes me think that I am transgender of some sort:

1. I usually feel comfortable playing as female characters whenever I play video games, especially when they have a character creator! :mrgreen: :heart: Occasionally I tend to make a character called "Samira" that basically is a female version of my male self. (and I usually enjoy playing as her! :D )

2. In an episode of the TV show "Brain Games" regarding the differences between gender, there was a part where the show was demonstrating two different methods of giving directions. the first one, consisting of simple landmarks, made sense to me. And the second one, consisting of complex metric systems such as kilometers, didn't. When it finished, the show said something like "if the first method made sense to you, chances are you are a woman." and I was like "What!?". Take note this took place before I started questioning my own gender, which clearly suggests that my brain might be more comfortable being with a female body than a male one.

3. I just feel comfortable with the idea of being a girl, I don't know why, It's really confusing and hard to explain. Every time I try to bring myself to be a guy, it just ends up with me wanting to be female again. It's like an endless loop of denial. (is this what they call 'gender dystopia'? I sincerely do not know :( )

4. I just blend in pretty well with the idea of being a girl naturally, as if I was always a girl when ever since I was born.

Sorry if I wrote a little too much, It's just that I am afraid that my parents (or people) might call me delusional and write me off and loner whose desperately looking for attention and I just know that isn't the case! :oops: *sigh* sorry if I might have thrown this off-topic. :roll:

I hope you understand. :wink:

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20 Jan 2016, 1:21 pm

^That all makes perfect sense to me!
I don't think I'm trans-gender, as I'm more androgynous and sort of both female and male. I'm just me! :D

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Jan 2016, 8:56 pm

I'm ftm!! I don't have aspergers, but I have ASD!!

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27 Jan 2016, 2:36 pm

I have an autism diagnosis and this is something I rarely ever address. Because I feel like I shouldn't address it. For me, I am male, and to even admit that I am transgender makes me feel less of a man. However, I am FTM. All though most people don't suspect that these days because many I meet, outright think I am male when they first meet me. That's how I like it. I don't identify as FTM, I identify as Male outright.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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04 Feb 2016, 4:14 pm

I have Asperger's/ASD and the whole trans topic is one I've avoided for a very long time. It terrifies me. If I don't think about it or address it, it just goes away, right?

[No, it doesn't. It's just such a huge thing, that beginning to address it seems nearly impossible.]


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04 Feb 2016, 9:36 pm

Physically I'm transsexual, but identify genderqueer which is very awkward at the moment - there is one group especially I'm really interested in pursuing but they are very binary gendered, men and women are split up into different groups, forcing me to pick a side. I spoke to another person in the group who is genderqueer and they just went with the group that their body most resembled. That seems sensible but it's also awkward for me because despite what my body looks like these days, I don't identify with being a man or a woman and it seems dishonest to be claiming to be one by joining a designated group. Plus, my body is technically still in between anyway.

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05 Feb 2016, 9:39 pm

C2V wrote:
Physically I'm transsexual, but identify genderqueer which is very awkward at the moment - there is one group especially I'm really interested in pursuing but they are very binary gendered, men and women are split up into different groups, forcing me to pick a side. I spoke to another person in the group who is genderqueer and they just went with the group that their body most resembled. That seems sensible but it's also awkward for me because despite what my body looks like these days, I don't identify with being a man or a woman and it seems dishonest to be claiming to be one by joining a designated group. Plus, my body is technically still in between anyway.

Ugh, I detest that! Over the last few years I actively avoided an activity that looked like a lot of fun & great exercise but forces everyone into one of two very rigid, very extreme boxes.

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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08 Feb 2016, 8:26 pm

Assigned female at birth, identify as non-binary genderqueer (they/them pronouns). How I present changes frequently, sometimes femme, mostly andogynous, occasionally dapper/soft butch. I've had reduction surgery and bind sometimes. I'm unsure if I want to persue hormones.