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20 Jun 2016, 10:41 pm

Ganondox wrote:
Asking for pronouns is weird for people who aren't familiar with the idea.

They can figure it out - if they are totally mainstream they can just choose "he" or "she" and be done with it. We could say "How would you like to be addressed?" instead of "what's your preferred pronoun?"

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21 Jun 2016, 5:33 pm

Nine7752 wrote:
Ganondox wrote:
Asking for pronouns is weird for people who aren't familiar with the idea.

They can figure it out - if they are totally mainstream they can just choose "he" or "she" and be done with it. We could say "How would you like to be addressed?" instead of "what's your preferred pronoun?"

That would probably be better.

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22 Jun 2016, 12:53 pm

Nine7752 wrote:
What is preferable, if Alex were able to make changes? Adding more options for Gender (like Facebook did), or replacing that with a list of preferred pronouns?

It shifts the discussion from labels and definitions, to simply stating how you'd like to be addressed.

I run a different site where this came up, and we only use gender to create pronouns to make text - someday we'll change this to just ask pronoun directly and not bother with sex or gender.

I made a request just like this one on another forum and what they ended up doing was having a write in for it.

Emu Egg
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20 Nov 2016, 6:53 pm

My first post here is on this now old topic.

I am a CIS male parent of both Aspies and non-gender normative kids.

I was completely taken aback when I signed up for WP and saw that the sign-up form requires (non-optional field) that one specify Male or Female gender.

No, gender is not whether you have a penis or a vagina. Nor should that even be anyone's business here. And no, if it is "that important to you" the solution is not to "counter" the M/F gender with some kind of disclaimer or proclamation in one's signature. The solution is for Gender to be optional and/or to allow non-binary options.

A forum that focuses on non-neurotypical modes of thought & behavior should not be insensitive to the genderqueer, plain and simple.

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21 Nov 2016, 12:45 am

Request: please change mine to not display (remove my choice or let me reselect none) and refer to me as "it" thanks!

Everyone online is just an avatar, an ideal self acting as a facade to their true identities. The anonymous players behind their masks adventure on in this parallel world as their refined persona, experiencing others who also embraced the same ambiguity as themselves. -Ander Ku (please add a(n) N/A option for gender as I was forced to randomly pick a gender and ended up as female, also please refer to me using "it, it, and its" instead of "he/she, him/her, and his/her)

Crystalline Prism
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29 Dec 2016, 2:00 am

I know this topic is a tad bit old, but this caught my eye. To all of the people who say that your sex is biological (I made this comment on Facebook originally. I just copied and pasted it because I'm beginning to get tired of reexplaining and retyping it all the time):

Just because a body has certain parts, doesn't mean other people should gender them. Unfortunately, that happens. But, really, parts are just parts. In nature there is no distinction, so why should there be in humans? Humans are still part of nature, so why not?

Let's say someone is a transwomen, they were not born in a man's body, they were born in a woman's body, their body. If they want to change something, that's entirely up to them. The same goes for all the other genders. The problem is that society genders people how they see fit. It's wrong, but it happens. The same goes for genderqueer and gender-nonconforming people.

Society thinks that just because someone looks a certain way that must be how they identify. With non-cis individuals, that's not the case. Simply put, with what you see, isn't necessarily what you'll get. Yeah, it may seem complicated, but that's just life.

I also happen to be genderfluid, so I get what the op is saying 101%. I'm all for a customizable third option.

Neuroqueer∞Genderqueer/Nonbinary Pronouns: I like to mix it up (They∞Them∞Theirs, She∞Her∞Hers, etc.)
Into women and people who are nonbinary/genderqueer


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29 Dec 2016, 8:44 am

Crystalline Prism wrote:
Society thinks that just because someone looks a certain way that must be how they identify. With non-cis individuals, that's not the case. Simply put, with what you see, isn't necessarily what you'll get. Yeah, it may seem complicated, but that's just life.

I run intp this problem a lot, because apparently I don't look androgynous enough >: