I know this topic is a tad bit old, but this caught my eye. To all of the people who say that your sex is biological (I made this comment on Facebook originally. I just copied and pasted it because I'm beginning to get tired of reexplaining and retyping it all the time):
Just because a body has certain parts, doesn't mean other people should gender them. Unfortunately, that happens. But, really, parts are just parts. In nature there is no distinction, so why should there be in humans? Humans are still part of nature, so why not?
Let's say someone is a transwomen, they were not born in a man's body, they were born in a woman's body, their body. If they want to change something, that's entirely up to them. The same goes for all the other genders. The problem is that society genders people how they see fit. It's wrong, but it happens. The same goes for genderqueer and gender-nonconforming people.
Society thinks that just because someone looks a certain way that must be how they identify. With non-cis individuals, that's not the case. Simply put, with what you see, isn't necessarily what you'll get. Yeah, it may seem complicated, but that's just life.
I also happen to be genderfluid, so I get what the op is saying 101%. I'm all for a customizable third option.
Neuroqueer∞Genderqueer/Nonbinary Pronouns: I like to mix it up (They∞Them∞Theirs, She∞Her∞Hers, etc.)
Into women and people who are nonbinary/genderqueer