NaturalEntity wrote:
Happy for you!! I hope you enjoyed graduating - not necessarily the ceremony, but the feeling of no more essays!
Thank you. I certainly don't miss essays!
Although I'll admit that I felt a bit lost after I received my final grade. There was definitely a feeling of 'Oh no, what do I do with my life now?' I'd never fully realised how much University was a part of my life until I finished. Even four months later, I still don't completely know the answer to that question. Frankly it can be daunting, but you just have to take it one step at a time and keep going. At the moment I'm doing volunteer work, but I'm still looking out for entry level jobs and internships to apply to. I just hope I can work my way up into a decent job. The thought of not knowing what the near future holds, it can be terrifying at times. Of course, I'm not trying to put you off. It was just a big change.
Admittedly I ended up having a miniature identity crisis, cutting my own bangs (which was later fixed by a hairdresser) and I cut the rest of my hair shorter, then I did a little sightseeing. It helped put things in perspective (getting some air) and I actually grew to like my fringe once it was fixed. Now I have to cut it a little every so often to maintain it. I don't mind doing this and I think it suits me.
The final year was rough. Especially the final project. The last couple of months felt like the longest. I absolutely broke down in tears when I received that fail grade and had to redo my assignment. The thought that I was so close to getting a 2:1, but I was also too close for comfort to getting a fail and redoing the year seemed cruel beyond belief. I was stressed out of my mind. There were nights where I'd stay up and eat pasta at 3 AM or I'd eat Nutella with a spoon and sob. At one point, my friend invited me to an afternoon out at the park and I really needed that - it was a nice break. I appreciated my friends being there for me during this time, I couldn't have pulled through this without them.
Fortunately, I did pull through and it worked out. With so much pressure built up, it felt odd when it was just all over.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.