KitLily wrote:
People say 'women are too emotional, unlike men.'
People also say, "Men are cold-hearted and unfeeling; unlike women." People say stupid things.
KitLily wrote:
What about men watching or playing sport?
That is a socially acceptable form of emotional expression for men.
KitLily wrote:
They are obviously getting emotional then. And it's just sport, it's not real life. What a strange thing to get emotional about.
No stranger than women getting emotional over a bad hair day or seeing another woman wearing the same outfit at a party.
KitLily wrote:
And isn't it hormones that make men get really angry and get into fights?
No, it's lack of respect -- much like when men accuse women of becoming 'hormonal' every few weeks.
KitLily wrote:
Testosterone is the hormone causing that, is it not?
Does estrogen cause you to cry uncontrollably?
It's time we put those 'hormonal' stereotypes to rest.
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