Vaccine scare
No, I don't think they do; at least, not in my family's case.
We have a family history of adverse reactions (the kids' grandparents). I selectively vaccinated my first 3, mostly according to the official recommended schedule, minus a few less-important shots. After all 3 were speech delayed, I thought, "Maybe I should delay the next one, just to be sure...." So I delayed vaccines for Babies #4 & #5, and guess what? Severe speech delays. Well, there went *that* theory.
The rest of the kids (all ASD) are either barely-vaccinated or not vaccinated at all, but not due to fear. I hadn't found a primary care physician (required by my insurance) that I liked, for the longest time, and then when I finally *did* find one, she left the practice, and I have to find her again.
There are a few that I won't do, at all, because the kids have already had the disease, or the vaccine is less than 20-30 years old (personal preference), etc.
Which one are you waiting for, if you don't mind me asking?
Why should I let this video, Shawn Ryan, or Vigilance Elite do my thinking for me?
He seems like just another conspiracy theorist -- many claims unsupported by evidence.
Last edited by Fnord on 06 Dec 2024, 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
No offence, but that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen on this thread. Even the government-pharma complex (in the US and elsewhere) have shown by their own actions that they don’t believe in an assertion as extreme as the one you’ve made above.
The US ‘National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program’ has awarded $4.6 billion between 1986 and May 2023.
The AstraZeneca covid vaccine has been withdrawn worldwide in the last couple of years due to the risk of blood clots.
The Rotashield Rotavirus Vaccine was withdrawn in the US in 1999 due to being linked to an increased risk of intussusception.
The Lymerix Lyme Disease Vaccine was withdrawn in the US in 1998 due to side-effects such as arthritis-like symptoms
The 1975 Swine Flu vaccine was withdrawn in the US due to being linked to cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS).
And there are more. And these are just the cases that the government-pharma complex is willing to admit to.
It is amazing to me that you can come out with a statement as sweeping and as extreme as “vaccines are perfectly safe” when it’s something you cannot know for sure, and that you cannot prove, and that other people can so easily refute with a few counterexamples.
I don’t know why some people cannot understand that vaccines are merely another class of drugs, and saying they are all perfectly safe is just as ridiculous and extreme as saying all drugs are perfectly safe.
As far as I’m concerned, when I see statements as extreme as yours, it’s often because the person making them views questions about objective reality through the lens of partisan politics or in terms of what they think “good” people are supposed to believe.
Vaccines ARE perfectly safe. That there are extremely rare adverse reactions does not make them not perfectly safe.
They're safer than the diseases they prevent, by many orders of magnitude, and they are also safer than riding in a car or walking down a flight of stairs. More people are harmed by furniture falling on them. They are just safe.
So latest is Kennedy hasn't decided full agenda with Trump, but will decide which vaccines are safe.
No, you're not doing this job properly.
Of course first thing is to validate which vaccines are safe,
Then is most important step, which diseases are really fatal and should have to have vaccine.
Measels, most survive it affects immune compromised but something like Hepatitis I wouldn't risk.
At hospital the lady had a child whom contracted this at creche, treated it too late, fatal. Now this is bad how I kept 2m distance and eventually left the waiting room, but my little boy at the time had health problems and autism at home, didn't mean to be rude!! !
This isn't as contagious as covid, but dangerous!! And there were few cases in South Africa, but not as widespread as measels. Same story in South Africa, these politicians don't know what is happening half the time, it's like rely on people to tell them. So this outbreak was deadly and silent.
I suggest prioritise safety of vaccines for dangerous diseases first, then hopefully we can get everyone vaccinated. Immigrants will need these vaccines too, need mass campaigns as we saw disease spread rapidly here and I am not taking the blame, I've warned people.
No, I don't think they do; at least, not in my family's case.
We have a family history of adverse reactions (the kids' grandparents). I selectively vaccinated my first 3, mostly according to the official recommended schedule, minus a few less-important shots. After all 3 were speech delayed, I thought, "Maybe I should delay the next one, just to be sure...." So I delayed vaccines for Babies #4 & #5, and guess what? Severe speech delays. Well, there went *that* theory.
The rest of the kids (all ASD) are either barely-vaccinated or not vaccinated at all, but not due to fear. I hadn't found a primary care physician (required by my insurance) that I liked, for the longest time, and then when I finally *did* find one, she left the practice, and I have to find her again.
There are a few that I won't do, at all, because the kids have already had the disease, or the vaccine is less than 20-30 years old (personal preference), etc.
Which one are you waiting for, if you don't mind me asking?
Sorry i only got your message now, its in the past but it was final vaccine at 13 years.
I agree with term spectrum not autism as speech delay varies in children, so do social levels such as very mild autism, but child doesn't go out much or have friends. It makes it tricky to decide if it's vaccines as each child presents differently.
There is virus that airborne that causes similar issues in the brain, so sometimes it's just avoiding overcrowding, taken boys out of creche.
Also noted when had foot n mouth from creche that day hospital had white staff, 2 sisters and doctor hadn't diagnosed!! Private specialist payed by school finally diagnosed and confirmed outbreak in area. What I'm saying is not all whites are good at their job, don't assume this. It's specific to doctors who just damn good at what they do.
We have this Livingston hospital where no one wants to ever go, for fear. But to be fair, some black doctors are fair or relatively good, but many don't have resources, underpaid, overworked....
When we had measels outbreaks the white DA politicians were late to pick up on problem, the campaign's arrived years later!????
So don't trust everyone, sadly some doctors shouldn't actually practice despite qualifications. ... aG93ZXI%3D
I'm sorry but this video is unprofessional image to medical care, this isn't serious.
Kennedy must please watch his statements on women and diet be side young girls suffer body image pressure, weight loss tablets are not safe!! Furthermore in nature female is bigger because she carries babies. As underweight celiac who had issues with pregnancy resulting early altzeimers and child that is partially colour blind I really object to sexual image obstructing to women and children's health.
The fact that I didn't gain weight in pregnancy was celiac health issue, it's unreasonable demand that media is trying to oppose on women.
I take serious offences to this and often wonder if Kennedy knows if combined vaccines may be issue, so just uncombining them would yield very fast results.
I know some Netherlands countries hopped into bandwagon and trying to promote healthcare for old age homes and drug usage knowledge, but they are not experts or specialists and people need to be aware there are good doctors and then there are copycats who fast at adapting whatever new info that's placed out there, but lack hard experience or credit for actual research.
Many of the new settlers during apartheid arrived with brats eating fruit loops, cocoa-pops etc. that rural children couldn't afford and was noted these children had ADHD.
Later on with poverty it was assumed to be reason for fortified foods (which being on market for years) and in eastern cape some tested differences between real food and vitamins but lack of understanding was that all veggies in RSA are GMO and roundup tends Rob soil and plant of nutrients. For some with autism and health issues, magnesium supplements are vital when combined with healthy diet.
Minae-moo and Kie now known cow and chicken couldn't quite attend yoga class, Minar moo mixed with French for breast reduction for health, since leaving the cave it was now suitable for women to participate in sports as ice skating was in old days a man dominated world with woman at home looking after babies. Kie received his DNA donation making him more blond and voila.
We now have spokesperson to administer Indonesian soaps, yoga, massagd, diet and philosophy tips that they themselves had learnt the hard way.
Continued comments about western diet due to preservatives and additives, it's relevant however fact of gluton free cooking shows trial and error of Asian food on health chain, koshering or not. We don't see some wild animals on menu so farming was huge kosher effort that cleansed Japanese chopping boards.
Example: tempura prawns use fried oils, brown bread glutton and are not healthy. It's better to grill prawns with olive oil, garlic, lemon
Digestive cultures are also largely a European farm concept, even if eating pickles as opposed to dairy or yekuha
Beer fermentation used natural sugars from barley and hops, creating fermented live cultures, traditions of making beer-bread.
Most of health knowledge was derived from European farms that didn't use pork, and Camembert cheeses still known for antibiotic revelation in medicine.
In old days people died of flu, yes, flu could kill you just as much as a virus.
Nuts contain chemicals and not always healthy, don't know how almond milk is made. So let's not assume everything Bout the eastern diet is all kosher, either.
Parboiled rice, is it for convenience? What do consumers think? It's being around for years so food industry knows exactly what they doing (removing arsenic)
The food industry has budget and best scientists, issue is they not open or transparent. Autistic scientists don't do marketing or social media, they quietly do their job.
I can't help but notice how clued up they are, smart.
So everyone is buying sugar fee peanut butter, so I got talking to one of them, one day. He was totally open about it, wasn't aware anything to hide. So doubtful he works for greed or corruption in food industry.
So I said to him I don't know what to buy, so he told me sugar binds peanut butter, which isn't sugar it's corn fructose to be more specific. He said if take it out the peanut butter would seperate on the shelf into like melted butter Nd peanut sludge. So can't you keep it in fridge? He said uses preservatives anyway or like fresh milk will go sour quickly making people unhappy. Consumers want ready made instant bread, want it fresh.
So I tested his theory for few weeks by eliminating just bread luxury, and it's like get sick boiling rice for lunch.
Ok, so write off we have few items for flavour, occasional convenience where tolerated (due to allergies) otherwise termed a Mormon or harmeish diet, after testing his theory for myself because that's what you should eat to eliminate all additives and preservatives. Ha-ha
Par boiled rice is to avoid buying packet of beans to discover weavels inside, nope I'll dodge the extra protein content and just get the beans.
Consumers are also responsible for dairy demand, one way to omit cruelty would be separating children's dairy from adults (hormone free)
So some areas of farming may need to be fixed up, but some of this is well explained to me. By cloning meat we also avoid factory farming and I can see benefits but labelling cloned meat should be done.
I'm not an enemy of America, but Irish starting medical vaccine program would end the insecurity many of us are facing with current disputes in medical care under US government. It also way of ensuring German Beyers pharmaceuticals are liable for safety and ensures equal access to everyone, hopefully despite wars or disputes some governments can be civil and recognise human rights and needs of others. When we immunised immigrants and ethnic groups we prevent spread of infectious disease, let's remember disease does not discriminate, like the flu even rich get sick. I truly believe this was supposed to be the motto of WHO
Current situation does not suit any country or average working American.
This seems familiar, somehow.
"I'm not racist, but . . ."
"I'm not sexist, but . . ."
"I'm not trying to criticize you, but . . ."
Would you care to explain why these statements are almost always followed by the exact same action that the speaker is first trying to deny?
Ok, to sum up video can't prove vaccines do cause autism, also can't prove it doesn't.
So no evidence both ways, parents decision is whether health protection of vaccine benefits child. The end conclusion is best: we need independent tests that not done by vaccine companies to get objective results, why this hasn't being done in all these years is just censored.
Argument from Ignorance is a fallacy in informal logic. The fallacy is committed when one asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is false because it has not yet been proven true.
So saying, "Since there is no proof that vaccines do not cause autism, this proves that vaccines cause autism" is arguing from ignorance.
And since there can be no proof that something does not exist, the default method is to prove that something does exist -- since it cannot be proven that vaccines do not cause autism, we simply must abide by that fact until it can be irrefutably proven otherwise.
Anti-vaxx conspiracy theorists seem to have devolved from Homo Sapiens to a humanoid form of lesser intelligence.
There are many ways to use lactose as an excipient and different pharmaceutical forms contain it; indeed it is found in about 20% of prescription medicines and in 6% of over-the-counter medicines. For instance, lactose can be used as a diluent in tablets, lozenges, capsules, and powder for intravenous injections
TDaP-IPV and MMR-V vaccinations are generally well tolerated in children with food allergies. However, both vaccines have derivatives of cow's milk protein that may pose as an allergenic source in certain children with severe CMA
Lactose monohydrate is a crystallized form of milk sugar. It's commonly used as a filler for medications and added to packaged foods, baked goods, and infant formulas as a sweetener or stabilizer. This additive is widely considered safe and may not cause symptoms in those who are otherwise lactose intolerant.
Lactose can be found in birth control pills, and some OTC drugs to treat stomach acid or gas. Patients who are specifically "allergic" to lactose (not just lactose intolerant) should not use tablets containing lactose, or ask their health care provider prior to use.
I'm in process of shifting my celiac diagnosis to galactose diagnosis and reason no weight gain, my son has same problem as celiac he looks starving, skin and bones. I have thread on this where I recently had seizure on anti-inflamatory meds, I think it warrants further research.
So that diabetes and autism on my mom's side of medical history, for while I blamed a certain pesticide used banana for ex history which was hives, asthma and ADHD
I'm not doctor to say if asthma Nd ADHD were affected together but know pesticides cause asthma, I'm assuming ADHD as well.
But food you eat worsens symptoms, but as said on autism forums few months ago one needs to check meds they use, even ask your pharmacist if you unsure. My pharmacist is my best source, but you need to ask them to explain medical terms, that is how I found out lactose in my inflammatory, as I used it for years on/off and with low dosage never reaction, I was shocked, like gee, I never knew all this time