Zwerfbeertje wrote:
Perhaps I should install and play Baldur's Gate first before passing judgment, but VtM:Bloodlines was the best CRPG evar. Then there is NWN and expansions but mostly for the thousands of user created modules, some of which surpass many commercially released CRPG's.
The patched version of VtM: Bloodlines is one of the best CRPG's ever, methinks, though I wouldn't give it the number one spot on my personal list. I'd give that to Planescape. Maybe the overlooked Arcanum in 2nd.
NWN's mod community was brilliant.
What we need is a CRPG that has:
-Writing (story, characters, dialogue, etc.) up to the standards set by Planescape: Torment
-Modding tools that surpass NWN's (some of it was fairly unfriendly), and a modding community that is at least as good as NWN's
-Voice acting that matches that of Grim Fandango
-The mature subject matter (sex, violence, profanity, drugs, etc.) of Fallout
-Combat as good as that of a really great action game but with RPG stats (VTM Bloodlines tried this but could have done it better, I think)
-Graphics that match at least Oblivion from a technical standpoint, but from an ARTISTIC standpoint are way more pretty