collectoritis wrote:
Dec 26 , 1985 : Whitley Strieber was alleged kidnapped by aliens
Streiber didn't know he was kidnapped until he went through hypnotic regression and recounted strange procedures conducted on him by bug eyed grey aliens. The procedures are identical to thousands of other cases including the first recorded one by Barney and Betty Hill in 1961.
While skeptics are confident the memories are implanted, the problem is the people involved suffer PTSD (often severe), end up with marks and on their bodies, radiation burns and sometimes implanted objects. In many of the cases the whole family is taken and the experiences are often intergenerational.
Mass hallucination or mass hoaxes across nations is quite a big assumption without evidence. Psychologists (who are the only ones qualified to answer this) don't have the answers so its arrogant (and unscientific) for skeptics to dismiss this phenomenon without some type of verification.