Bisexual & Not Confused
Same for me, except swap the gender words. I'd feel more comfortable with a male, but maybe that's just my social anxiety.
I'm bisexual/pansexual and not confused, and although I've never been in a relationship with a male, I'm positive I'm open to one. That being said, I am 100% "monoamorous", and would expect the same of my girlfriend/boyfriend.
you know, that was always something i found difficult, because when i got married my husband was only one gender (obviously lol), so it's like i had to kind of give up on that other side of myself. it was a hard choice to make. i suppressed that other aspect of myself for many years.
on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:
Same for me, except swap the gender words. I'd feel more comfortable with a male, but maybe that's just my social anxiety.
I'm bisexual/pansexual and not confused, and although I've never been in a relationship with a male, I'm positive I'm open to one. That being said, I am 100% "monoamorous", and would expect the same of my girlfriend/boyfriend.
you know, that was always something i found difficult, because when i got married my husband was only one gender (obviously lol), so it's like i had to kind of give up on that other side of myself. it was a hard choice to make. i suppressed that other aspect of myself for many years.
I feel that, just because I like more than one gender, doesn't mean I need to be in a relationship with more than one person.

Same for me, except swap the gender words. I'd feel more comfortable with a male, but maybe that's just my social anxiety.
I'm bisexual/pansexual and not confused, and although I've never been in a relationship with a male, I'm positive I'm open to one. That being said, I am 100% "monoamorous", and would expect the same of my girlfriend/boyfriend.
you know, that was always something i found difficult, because when i got married my husband was only one gender (obviously lol), so it's like i had to kind of give up on that other side of myself. it was a hard choice to make. i suppressed that other aspect of myself for many years.
I feel that, just because I like more than one gender, doesn't mean I need to be in a relationship with more than one person.

fair enough!
on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:

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Well, I can't believe I'm actually going to say this, but I'm bicurious. This is actually the very first time I've ever said this and I do mean ever. I sort of have a sexual attraction to both genders, but it's not significant enough that I'd like to personally sleep with a male. I'd much, much, much prefer females. Also, I don't plan on seeking male companions as I'm not romantically attracted to males. It's a bit hard to explain. If we were to use a scale, I'd be 90-95% straight and about 10-5% gay. My parents don't know about it because I find it a bit harder to explain rather than saying bisexual or gay, but they're wicked liberal so I'm not afraid of their reaction. I get stressed when I'm at an odds to explain something in great detail.
for me.... all people are bi to some extent....
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I believe this to be true as well. I think religious and cultural dogma is what makes them be afraid and makes them as straight as possible.
This was definitely true for me through much of my 20s when I was trying to decide what direction I wanted my life to take sexually. Given that I liked both sexes, I was more or less forced into making a decision of pursuing straight relationships and being accepted by all the key people in my life or pursuing gay relationships and being made an outcast by those same people. At least I had some choice in the matter and made the decision that I felt was best for my life. At the same time, I am very sympathetic to completely gay individuals who face the same issues of vilification while really having no choice in the matter.

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I believe this to be true as well. I think religious and cultural dogma is what makes them be afraid and makes them as straight as possible.
This was definitely true for me through much of my 20s when I was trying to decide what direction I wanted my life to take sexually. Given that I liked both sexes, I was more or less forced into making a decision of pursuing straight relationships and being accepted by all the key people in my life or pursuing gay relationships and being made an outcast by those same people. At least I had some choice in the matter and made the decision that I felt was best for my life. At the same time, I am very sympathetic to completely gay individuals who face the same issues of vilification while really having no choice in the matter.
I don't find it necessary to tell any of my friends that I'm not straight all the way but not exactly bi either because I think they'd take it fine, but they might feel a bit anxious around me. Like thinking I'm attracted to them or trying to flirt with them when I'm just being friendly. I have no romantic attraction to males. Nor do I have any express desire to sleep with one. I still find myself somewhat attracted to men sexually, but it's so slight that I wouldn't pursue a relationship of any kind with one. I know it's not really a phase and that I've been like this since I first hit puberty. I used to be homophobic and my psychologist and my mom noted that I was emotionally confused in respect to orientation in my early teens. It's taken me a while to accept it, but I have. And I have done research just to figure out precisely what to call myself. Bicurious seems to be the best term while heteroflexible may also apply.
I am however, quite attracted to females, but I'm not preoccuppied with getting a girlfriend. I am a bit afraid of such relationships. And as I want to do field research as a Marine Biologist, relationships would potentially be a hinderance. I don't care if I go my whole life without a woman. I still feel awkward when talking to girls my age, particularly the ones I like.
I'm bisexual and a little bit confused - desire is a complicated feeling for me, and I've only ever had the opportunity to act on it with males. I don't think that quote-unquote "experimentation" would really change my perception of what I'm attracted to, but my lack of experience makes me unsure of myself.
I have always been bisexual. But I didn't know what it was growing up. You could say I was questioning, then. I remember watching films and reading books with heterosexual relationships when I was little, but felt slightly uncomfortable with it. I always wondered, "What was wrong with having two males or two females in a movie?" When I saw in the Bible that homosexuality was a sin, I reluctantly agreed with that, but wondered why God hated homosexuality. I still believe in God and stick with my Christian roots, but I don't belong in any religious denomination and don't take the Bible word for word anymore. That's when I finally accepted my bisexuality. I like girls as much as I like men. But some like the same sex more, or vice versa. Anyway, I am bisexual and proud, and not confused. Anyone who says otherwise are bi-ased.
"To be yourself in a world where day and night tries to make you just like everybody else is to fight the greatest battle ever was to fight."
E. E. Cummings
It's strange. I'm pretty sure that before I hit puberty, I was attracted to my own female cousin who is very beautiful. She got married last year, and most of that 'crush' feeling has gone, but I'm perfectly okay with that though. I only realised that strong attraction many years later was 'unnatural', that is, considering she was my own cousin and the same gender as me.
I've been attracted to more males than females after hitting puberty, but somehow the idea of getting into a relationship with a male kind of scares me. Especially the touchy-freely part that many males tend to exhibit... really irks me. I'm quite sensitive to touch; even hugs, handshakes etcs are very awkward and feels very wrong for me.
I'm still attracted to males though, especially anime guys, which I know sounds sad. Oh well.
I admit that I prefer girls who look like boys but have the sensitivity of a girl, or those girly girly ones who are very feminine but not whiny and preppy. Lol, basically both extreme ends of the 'spectrum', if you get my drift.
On a side note, right now I'm quite fond of GL, but don't like BL / yaoi. I don't have anything against homosexuality though, just a personal preference.
tl;dr, I'm bi-curious, maybe, and definitely confused. Haven't dated anyone before, and not going to do it anytime soon. *shrug* Education is my main priority now. And seeing as my social skills suck, I doubt I can have a decent conversation with a stranger who might be interested in me, or vice versa.

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Funny, it's been half a year and now I am full on bi, but I have a preference for women. However, I am kind of on the verge of initiating a relationship with another guy. I'm just a little uncertain about it. He's been asking me out, but I'm not sure if we'd connect much on a very personal level beyond our hobbies and interests. Funny how things change so quickly. I realize that I have been bi all along and that I've been repressing it since middle school. I used to get guy crushes and it would scare me. Now, I embrace guy crushes.
I am bisexual and not confused, but I was for the longest time.
I always knew I wasn't straight, but I knew I wasn't a lesbian either. I had no idea what I was until I was in high school and met other bisexuals. I was still scared to tell anybody until I met a girl I really liked and knew I had to tell my family at least. My family thankfully took it well, I had an older sister who came out as a lesbian a few years before which made it easy for me. My friends did not take it well, especially my best friend whose church believes it is the wrongest of wrong. A lot of people tend to think that 'bisexual' means dating two different genders at once but I find that is not the case. I am attracted to both sexes but mostly females. I would never date more then one person at a time. Dating one person can be hard enough at times.
I'm definitely Bi and not confused.
My friends know me as a Female Captain Jack Harkness. Best compliment I ever got in all my life.
Makes it difficult to have relationships though. I actually gave up on having real relationships because of my AS. I don't want kids, I like both.
I'm also terrified of getting super close to someone so I'd rather be promiscuous instead. Sometimes I feel very guyish even though I identify as female.