Games I like:
Most all of the Castlevania games, especially once they went 3D
All the metroid games
the lower grade legend of zelda games, from SNES down.
Resident Evil series of games, (and Silent Hill, which is kinda a rip-off of resident evil but it has an interesting storyline),
I like Metal Gear Solid (except part 2, where you played Raiden, that whole game was a corny monstrosity and embarassment to the MG games). I like tenchu, I like splinter cell, I like road rash, mortal kombat games, tekken games, more recent virtua fighter games, Killer Instinct, I like GTA 3 and on (although there are too many GTA wanna-be's running around the market and that gets slightly irritating), I like Max Payne, Medal of Honor, Need for Speed, Sim City series of games (no s**t I can play Sim City all day long for a week straight).