Cornflake wrote:
maycontainthunder wrote:
PPR is notoriously toxic at the best of times. In the run up to the US elections every other thread on the site was political and full of aggression as both sides tore into each other. I'm staying out of there; it's like walking into a cave and there are all these eyes looking back at you... you can actually hear the knives being sharpened before you even post anything.
PPR is a bear-pit of aggressively defended opinions, and there's nothing quite like P, P and R for pretty much instantly stirring up anger.
But it's something what was demanded by the membership so, for better or worse, there it is.
The few other ASD-related sites I've seen have no such forum - because it's almost guaranteed to stir up a hotbed of rage.
No such forum? Really? As far as I can tell, the two most popular forums for autistic people, besides WP, are Autism Forums and Neurovoice. Autism forums does have a
politics forum. So too does Neurovoice.
In the case of Neurovoice, only full members, but not new members, are allowed to post in the politics forum. This seems to me like a wise policy, to discourage people from joining the forum
just to post political propaganda.
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