bee33 wrote:
Maybe you don't understand what the word skeptical means.
I do indeed know what skeptical means. In this instance, I meant it specifically as an adjective to mean "doubtful about a particular thing" (doubtful about Bill Nye).
bee33 wrote:
If you think his science is questionable, how is it that you are the only one, among anyone who is serious and knowledgeable about science?
I am educated to a postgraduate level and know how to read scientific articles. I agree with the previous poster (MatchboxVagabond) when he says that Bill Nye's 'science' clips play a lot like cartoons, or on that level, anyway. I'm sure I am not the only one.
bee33 wrote:
He has a fantastic reputation in his field and within the scientific community for being accurate and truthful. Do you have some special secret knowledge, that only you have, that he is not?
According to whom does he have a fantastic reputation? The readers of his books? Americans? He is barely known in the UK, another English speaking country.
bee33 wrote:
You don't have to like his manner or style. That's unrelated to being "skeptical." But even if you are skeptical that he actually helped people learn about science there's another mountain of evidence stacked against you there.
I am skeptical that his level of science would qualify him to present himself as a "science guy" or to overreach what he knows when he presents himself as a spokesperson of climate change, for example.
bee33 wrote:
You're just out of step with reality on this.
your opinion?