Have discovered over the years.That people ,I have met that claimed , They had learning issues , had been conditioned to think this ...about themselves as part of early childhood conditioning .
After interacting with her , On a basis of myself teaching this same person something, just as they were curious
about how to do a task meant to be learned by Electrical technicians, And , even recalling ,how she said " she had been held back in school ." helping to cement in her mind , she had a learning difficulty. As I manually went through the methods of showing her physically this little Electronics repair/ building circuit technique. ? She picked it up quite handily. Which if in a 30 minute period of time, she had no issues. Copying what I had taught her . It was easy for me to see , that this person , in reality , appeared to be the definition of a Auto didact. Someone, whose learning methods were much different than the method ,that was taught in her schooling growing up . She picked up the technique and imprinted it , in her mind seemingly forever . . Checking back with her years later,seeing she was still good at what was taught to her in a direct physical , 1 st hand manner .
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are