IsabellaLinton wrote:
- Say the exact same things to every target girl woman you fancy,
I have problems with the how to describe the focus of one's romantic interest.
"Target", while accurate, feels too objectifying...I may as well say "victim"
I didn't wade through all 50 pages so I may be duplicating concepts, but I'm intrigued by
yet another tall guy in WP.
It just feels statistically unlikely there would be a concentration here unless Buenos Aires has an aspie cluster.(I have never been anywhere else with so many people taller than me)
So, maybe the OP just forgot to put a sock down his pants.
Another possibility I came up with (in Mexico) was being TOO tall.
So many women, being faced with my groin, would look up, hand covering a giggle.
My first long term relationship used to walk with me with a hand around my leg, since my waist was too high for comfort.
Sounds like a subject for a new thread