We wish to apologize for our misconception of your great land. We are new to this place, from a long time ago...in a galaxy far, far away. We were tricked and do not wish your citizens any harm. We are seeking sanctuary and are having a hard time trusting any of the established rulers we have been in contact with. We beg for your mercy and hope to be granted sanctuary in your region. We noticed a little unoccupied rock in the Outer Rim were we would like to colonize. We seek only knowledge and to help thos in need.
There is great conflicts in you time and this disturbs us, as we expected the future to be much more peaceful. Maybe we will never be able to go back to our time and save our Homeworld. *sighs*
We would like to speak with your Ruling Council. We may be of assistance in some of your conflicts. Again...our bad.
Trigger11 wrote:
Hello! I am new to your galaxy and time. I come from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Due to greed, hatred, and ignorance, my Homeworld was destroyed. Many wars destroyed our economies and led to irreversible global warming.
A few of us were able to escape and travel to this time and place in hopes to find a cure for what happened to our Homeworld so long ago.
In transit, our flux capacitor and hyperdrive were damaged. In recent weeks we were tricked into joining forces with some secret entity that was planning the destruction of Sopholand. Desperate for food and supplies, we agreed to join them and took part in a military assault on what was supposed to be a Secret Sophian Military Installation. However, it was a trap and many of my people were destroyed.
We are smugglers and bounty hunters by trade, and we would like to set up a Smuggler’s Alliance to help those in need and to prevent the disasters that cursed our Homeworld. In exchange, we seek only knowledge and wisdom in hopes to some day return to our Homeworld before those irreversible events led to its demise.
Our code:
We will not smuggle tobacco or coffee products as we are deathly allergic to these items.
Our bounty hunting practices only use peaceful methods to find those that need to be brought to justice, no disintegrations.
I won?t tell anyone else how to be
You can be yourself, but just let me be me