Matthew Cuthbert and Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables. Anne doesn't understand social norms and doesn't know how to get people to like her in order to be adopted. She doesn't know when to stop talking and when others are interested in what she has to say. She doesn't have many friends despite wanting them. She doesn't know when it is appropriate to declare certain levels of friendship, as shown when she decided someone she'd met twice was her bosom friend. She cares about others but is still often very insistent on how things must be. Matthew has a desire for human connection as shown by his connection with Anne but is very lonely. They also have an instant connection with each other. Matthew doesn't have many friends and is a very kind person but is not very expressive of his emotions. Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls. He is very bad at socializing and extremely nervous in social situations, and he scripts. He is easily overwhelmed. He's obsessed with the supernatural and often rambles about it and can hyperfocus. He paces and chews on his shirt when stressed. Viktor Hargreeves from Umbrella Academy. He doesn't have friends, often speaks in a somewhat monotone voice in emotional situations and doesn't use gesturing or body language, struggles to communicate, and cannot tell when he is being lied to or when others are trustworthy when it is obvious to everyone around him. He also has an instant connection with a nonspeaking autistic kid, who comes to trust Viktor (who he has known for around a month) more than his own parents. He instantly understands the boy and doesn't think he is stupid, like everyone else around him. He is also obsessed with the violin from a young age and autistic people often have a good musical ability. As a kid, he hated oatmeal enough to throw people out windows rather than eat them, despite being very mild-mannered. I think his inability to control his power likely stems from increased sensitivity to sound, because no other character in the show with powers has any difficulty controlling it. Also season 3 spoilers:
Viktor is way worse at controlling his powers than Harlan. Harlan is very sensitive to sound because he's autistic. Harlan has had one major incident excluding the time he first got his powers, and that was when his mom died. Viktor's powers were deemed far more dangerous than any of his siblings' even with someone who knew what was going on constantly supervising him and trying to train him to use them. He then destroys the world like 5 times and has extreme difficulty tuning out noise to focus his powers or not use them. Since they're triggered by his mind focusing on small sounds, he clearly is extremely noise sensitive.
she/her pronouns. I'm interested in reading, robotics, chess, drawing, and birds. I am always learning more about autism and anything I share is just my experience.