Matrix Glitch wrote:
The only instance I know of is within a certain period of Greco-Roman history when they were at the height of hedonism.
That's my point. It may not be plastered throughout history books, but that doesn't mean it didn't exist. People were afraid of being openly gay (or trans or queer) in many societies because of the fear of Hell, which in my opinion came from the fear of STI and poverty. There are many stories of LGBTQ people or people who felt the need to hide their true orientation and lie to their families. I don't think that is in any way more Christian than loving one's partner openly today.
Matrix Glitch wrote:
Yeah but if they don't want to, don't they stand the chance of being accused of being bigoted monsters?
I don't think anyone is a bigoted monster for not waving flags.
You may have noticed that I'm big on people having diverse opinions on every topic.
I honestly don't care (I'm not offended) if you aren't comfortable with it or not.
I know people with diverse opinions on many topics, and they're still my friends.
I do take offence when people suggest others are going to Hell for having different opinions.
I also dislike when people try to impose their beliefs on others.
I may think LGBTQ is totally normal and acceptable, but I don't expect you to agree with me.
I only expect that you agree to disagree, without saying people are going to Hell.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.