Yes and no?
I'm kinda OCD when it comes to cleanliness. I shower twice a day. I can not go to bed without showering because I despise the idea of getting into bed dirty, and I shower the first thing in the morning when I get up, I just feel dirty without it.
I wash my hands constantly, not like OCD where they will wash 15 times in a row to 'get clean' but probably at least 15 times throughout the day, anytime i feel like i got something on it.
I dont wash my hair every day, 3-4 times a week maybe?
I use ordinary soap and off the shelf shampoo/conditioner. Nothing crazy or over-priced garbage.
I dont shave often though =P. My facial hair just doesnt grow fast, it takes me 2 days to get a five oclock shadow. So I get lazy with it, will usually shave once a week.
I'm also kinda lazy with my hair. I'll let it get a few inches long before I bring myself to going to get a haircut. I completely loathe the idea of using product like grease and gells, I just hate the feeling of it and am convinced it just cant be good for your hair follicles. So when it gets like 2 inches it starts to get shaggy.
So I think yes in that I am very clean and pretty anal about it, but no in that I can look scruffy and unkempt at times
?It's a sad thing not to have friends, but it is even sadder not to have enemies.? - El Che