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01 Jun 2009, 10:38 am

ARTY Farty trendy types... consider themselves pre-disposed with a "higher" condition, ie Autism.

Don't you hate it when the worst of the socialista , che guevera T shirt , tie dye dreadlock types now have another excuse to be an "Exclusive entity".

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01 Jun 2009, 10:43 am

You mean hipsters?

I can relate. They will say they are anti-trend and anti-clique, but they will become a clique and be very exclusive.


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01 Jun 2009, 11:02 am

Usually, I just call them boring... they always seem so fake... and trying to actually talk to them about the history or theory behind their behavior is a joke. They mix symbol systems without having a clue what any of the symbols mean.




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01 Jun 2009, 11:08 am

Tim_Tex wrote:
You mean hipsters?

I can relate. They will say they are anti-trend and anti-clique, but they will become a clique and be very exclusive.

I thought hipsters were pants you buy at the gap...

I call em hippies (not the pants)

.... but hippies sort of only relates to actual hippies odaysgone by - you can't call urself ahippie today b/c ur probably buying your pants at the gap rather than making them out of hemp and buckwheat.

I call them socialistas .... a play on words...

socialist(communist) with 'ista' latinist revolutionary. (they think they change the world for the better, but in the end they were/are the biggest pawns of all)...

and by calling them socialistas it really hurts them becuase it takes thier idea of right authoritah " capatalist/socialist/fascist/hitler--> they don't know the difference, and it juxtaposes it to their pet love the Cuban revolution.

just make sure that when u use the word to say like you have a hand rolled cigar hanging out your mouth, and enounce with a communist revolutionary accent.... or to really bugger em up, say it like your in Hitlers army with authoritah.- .... they get so confused and ask so quickly - why did you call me that (make sure not to explain it to them -hell they can never explain any of thier bleeding heart logic)

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01 Jun 2009, 11:19 am

pschristmas wrote:
Usually, I just call them boring... they always ..................


Now Autism is the trendy "mental state" (I was about to say ideologica), and i don't mean mental with the negative conotation of being sick... now those try hard conformist-pawns have another avenue to "discover themselves"

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01 Jun 2009, 12:07 pm

Yes. I know the kind, wealthy middle class hippies. In Australia they're called "Fitzroyalty".
As hard as I work to appreciate my good points and manage my meltdowns, I don't find the daily experience of being different pleasant or fashionable at all. It's caused me a lot of heartache, actually. And now it's been co-opted as a trend. :roll: I haven't yet noticed it with Autism, but I have with being 'Depressed' or 'Bisexual' (the new 'cool' and open minded thing to do for trashed teen party girls :lol: )

Don't get me wrong, I can empathise with people who are genuinely hurting or being discriminated against, but selfish insensitive poses gall me. :(


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01 Jun 2009, 12:33 pm

Amen to that! :evil: . To be honest it's been done with other minority groups before. It's attractive because it's rooting for the 'loser' - it gives a sort of moral superiority. Although what really happens is that they take the desirable traits of these groups while leaving out the nasty parts, i.e. the negative connotations.


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01 Jun 2009, 12:53 pm

activebutodd wrote:
Yes. I know the kind, wealthy middle class hippies. In Australia they're called "Fitzroyalty".

LOL.... it's the Mosmanites that getup my nose more... they are the ones helping to create and poularise these trends. (3AW comes to mind) .... these guys are worse becase they don't practise thier preaching (Toorak tractor comes to mind), in the mean time they create the pawn classes that turn Autism into an excuse for everything that is wrong with little Johny and Jilly. (Did u know Autism is on the rise in Australia too...duh, an illness with no cure and no diagnosis illicits business in many a field which employs many a people, from the charity organistaion through to the pharmacy)

In the end we all suffer from shopaholier (WE BUY INTO WHTEVER IS HOLYIER THAN THOU from skincream through to watertanks GODS,greater, ordinal, demographic, scrutineers decide what the faithfull should believe and be taxed on)

In the end the arty farty auties are just driving the economy, they fristly popularise the terminolgy into common vernacular, which inturn gets the parents worried anough about thier kids to get them checked... if the trend lasts business and charity pounces on opportunity, if that lasts than government begins to subsidise, untill finallly we all have autism. (but by then a new terminolgy would have been popularied... I think Autism used to be called ADHD, and previous to that ADD ... just like nuclear free zone, was preivy to hole in the ozone preceded greenhouse effect, preceded global warming preceded climate change... people get bored the arty farty need to look trendy to re-popularise the common vernacular. All to drive an economy where arty farties can watch us work.

Chickens have feathers, Like eggs have shells...being tickled can hurt.


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01 Jun 2009, 1:14 pm

I am less apt to be critical. For one let me point out hipsters are not hippies, they are almost completely different entities.

Also hipster varies by city to city in its definition, in NYC its an ultra-trendy poser, in Chicago its an aging indie folk (see something awful guide to the north american hipster).

The fact is I have a hard time being critical since I found a home in the indie music community and this was the first community I was successfully social with. While the indie community is very clicky, it also is more accepting of social deficits. It is hard for me to be critical than of hipsters, partially because they are the only long term friends I ever had.


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01 Jun 2009, 1:56 pm

lived in mosman as a teen. ( I was the drunk, undiagnosed school kid by the Military Road school entrance gate....)
dx'ed ASD through THAT clinic

do not wear a Che Guevara t.shirt but would do so just to take the mickey out of this rather disappointing thread.

must remember to ask God to reformat me as a stereotypical Aspie Geek on my next round down on planet know, just so i can fit the prevailing bill....... :lol:


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01 Jun 2009, 2:19 pm

millie wrote:
lived in mosman as a teen. ( I was the drunk, undiagnosed school kid by the Military Road school entrance gate....)
dx'ed ASD through THAT clinic

do not wear a Che Guevara t.shirt but would do so just to take the mickey out of this rather disappointing thread.

must remember to ask God to reformat me as a stereotypical Aspie Geek on my next round down on planet know, just so i can fit the prevailing bill....... :lol:

we all knwthe type :D :D

I'll put on my schwatstika

you know just so that I can assume my place in your minds eye.

Chickens have feathers, Like eggs have shells...being tickled can hurt.


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01 Jun 2009, 2:34 pm

I have no idea who all these groups are. I must have been living in my own world too long. :lol:


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01 Jun 2009, 3:45 pm

Ideas, not people, not groups.

With all things, there is overdiagnosis, misdiagnosis, selfdiagnosis - and for a variety of reasons. This site is to support people, not tear them down. If that is your desire, do so elsewhere.


My thanks to all the wonderful members here; I will miss the opportunity to continue to learn and work with you.

For those who seek an alternative, it is coming.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!


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01 Jun 2009, 3:49 pm

i was going to pm a mod, but felt the issue and thread would eventually just take care of itself.......


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01 Jun 2009, 4:29 pm

I never met an arty NT who claimed to be autistic. My counsellor sort fits the bill of arty, but she said to me, "Oh no, Im very NT..." :) She is very quiet and calm, but she knows the difference.

Anyway, if it is the case, it is kind of nice if other people want to be like us. A compliment?


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01 Jun 2009, 4:58 pm

This is all total BS. Aspies can be socialist or conservative, hippie or preppy. They exist in all social groups. I live in an artsy, hippy community and most of my friends with Asperger's are not artsy or hippies. The people who come to my support group are a mixed bunch.

I'm 40, not 14 or 16, so I don't follow fads or fashions like someone in high school trying to be "popular," or a "dramatic outcast," (now called emo, I believe.) I do lean liberal but like I said, Aspies live on both sides of the political fence.

I even have one very conservative friend who feels that he's so unique in his conservatism that it must be a brand of aspieness in itself. It is not, although he is an aspie.

I am a very strange female.

Don't take life so seriously. It isn't permanent!