Aoi wrote:
The megafauna hunted to extinction in the past 10,000 years by humans could be brought back
Hunting was not the sole cause of the megafauna extinctions. There were plenty of other natural causes.
But back to the original question ... I think it ultimately depends, like most things, on whether or not a profit can be made from recreating the extinct animals. Another thing to consider is this ... in the history of science, how often have ethics determined whether or not research was allowed to continue, or discoveries allowed to be exploited? The answer is "not very often". Many things that are considered unethical by one generation are perfectly acceptable to the next.
To put it another way, history shows that if science
can do something, and there's a profit to be made, it
will do it.
I don't think there's any doubt whatsoever that extinct species will be recreated, as the technology becomes available. Eventually, this will include extinct human species, like Neanderthals. It won't be tomorrow or next week, but it's inevitable sooner or later.
Think of the ethical problems
that will cause.