it ticks me off when people say something like "sounds like a personal problem". I cant explain why.
Because they're dismissing the problem, blowing it off, minimizing its weight.
I do sarcasm quite a bit, though I've learned to be more careful with it 'cause it can cause hurt to others. I'm about 50/50 with understanding it from others... I'll pick up a sarcastic tone if it's there and I understand that.
I grew up in a very sarcastic family, so I'm sure that helped.
Metaphor took me a long time, but now I use it alot. I love it, like pschristmas said, it's painting with pictures. I sit and make up new ones, and I've got a bit of a reputation for my unusual but wonderfully apt metaphores.
My therapist says that if an Aspie gets any kind of humor, it will be sarcasm, because it is a dark humor based on disenchantment with something, an area Aspies have a lot of experience in.