Remember that old TV show hosted by Art Linkletter and Bill Cosby? I couldn't wait for my son to start talking so we could collect a few gems of our own. Of course, his autism delayed that, but we're finally starting to get some funny stuff from Lucas, who will turn 3 in August.
I'd love to hear some good ones from your kids!
Here's our most recent:
Lucas has taken a liking to the word "bye bye" and says every chance it gets ("bye bye train" when the last car rolls by, or "bye bye apple" when he takes his last bite, or "bye bye Barney" when the cartoon ends, etc.)
Well anyway, Lucas got pink eye a couple weeks ago, so the doctor gave us drops. Lucas HATES the drops, so my husband and I have to hold him down, pry open his eye lid and squeeze in a drop. He struggles and fights the whole time. It's awful. During one such session, our son started crying and said "bye bye eye."
We couldn't help but laugh. Poor little guy. I guess he thought we were going to take his eye out or something. No wonder he hates those drops!