drowbot0181 wrote:
Does anybody know what people are really asking when they say "What do you think?" as a greeting/conversation starter?
I have absolutely no idea what to respond with. It doesn't even seen like a valid question to me.
Oo, I have no clue... I don't get that one a lot though.
My fiance will occasionally ask me "What did you think of ..." and finish with some part of a movie or some character from a book or something that's happened in some form of media. I find I can never ever think of an answer and it frustrates me. I end up yelling "What do you MEAN what do I think? Do you mean did I like it, or did I think it was interesting, or did I think it was stupid... did I think he was ugly or he was a jerk or WHAT????" I think that what he's probably asking for is any given answer to any one of these questions, but I'd prefer if he just asked one of them instead of giving the general "What do you think?"
Maybe if you translated "What do you think" to "Do you like this weather?" Or "What's your opinion on the reason why the economy sucks right now?" or something like that, it might help you not want to wring their necks.
But I still don't get why people don't just ask direct questions instead of being vague like that. It's annoying.