Help me husband doesn't understand

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Jun 2009, 10:56 am

Could someone please tell me what I should do? I have been married for 12 years. I was a good wife for the first year but I think my husband has been miserable the past 11. I do not have a diagnosis, or ever been to the doctor for one. I have a little boy that was diagnosed w/ASD PDD-NOS and another that will be evaluated soon (suspected of HFA or Aspergers). Only after researching autism because of my children, did I realize that I probably have some form of it myself. I have always known that I was different, I just didn't know what it was. I love my husband and I think he is to the point that he cannot put up with me anymore. I am a horrible housekeeper. I hardly show him any affection, not by choice, it just doesn't come natural to me with him. When I try to get close to him, it makes me feel like he is a complete stranger (or I worry to death that I am bothering him in some way). With that, we have a very limited sex life. I have no sex drive and I have no idea why. He thinks that I don't want to be with him, have someone else or am repulsed by him, which none of those things are true. I very much want to do these things with and for him, I just can't. He is a man and deserves these things from his wife. I know he can't go on forever without trying to find someone who can do these things for him. About the house, it isn't filthy, just cluttered and messy. I pray for energy or drive or whatever it is to make me be the woman that can keep it the way it should be, to no avail. I am very forgetful. I can't remember simple things, 'tell someone this' or 'pay these bills', yet I can remember crazy things like phone numbers from childhood. He gets so aggrevated with me about this too. I do stupid things, thinking I'm doing them for a good reason or say stupid things, which make sense to me. Everything just builds up and I feel like I am very misunderstood and a failure at everything. I rarely sleep in our bed, almost always on the couch. I either can't sleep and watch tv until I fall asleep or sleep there by choice, my thought is that if someone breaks in, the kids get up or fire or whatever, I'm more likely to hear them in the front room vs. being in my back bedroom. I obsess over someone coming in and me not hearing them, I have 3 kids and he works swing shift, so it's habit for me to sleep on the couch. I constantly think that he is mad at me and become a nervous wreck, causing me to ask him over and over again if he's mad or what's wrong. This pisses him to no end. Another thing is that when telling him something, I have to tell every detail, which makes a 2 minute story into 10, he doesn't want to hear all that, just the point of the story. Anyway, sorry for going on and on. I just need someone's advice that can relate to how I feel and think. He has NEVER done any research on autism (with the kids) or read anything about it, only what I have told him, which I'm not sure if he's in denial or what. I want to be with him forever. I just don't have an explanation to him for the way I am about things. Are these things typical of someone on the spectrum? Am I just lazy? Please let me know what I should do. Thanks for taking the time to read.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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28 Jun 2009, 11:42 am

can be a problem, and I find that if I don't write down out-of-routine things, I forget. A written schedule that you check off can be a life saver in the organizational department.
Some people on the spectrum find it difficult to "remember" to tell or show people they love them. Again, you have to consciously make it part of your daily routine. You aren't scheduling your love, just remembering to express it. NT's need to hear it alot.
Once you get into a routine of sleeping a particular way, you may find it difficult to break.


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28 Jun 2009, 12:13 pm

ibillymom wrote:
Could someone please tell me what I should do? I have been married for 12 years. I was a good wife for the first year but I think my husband has been miserable the past 11. I do not have a diagnosis, or ever been to the doctor for one. I have a little boy that was diagnosed w/ASD PDD-NOS and another that will be evaluated soon (suspected of HFA or Aspergers). Only after researching autism because of my children, did I realize that I probably have some form of it myself. I have always known that I was different, I just didn't know what it was. I love my husband and I think he is to the point that he cannot put up with me anymore. I am a horrible housekeeper. I hardly show him any affection, not by choice, it just doesn't come natural to me with him. When I try to get close to him, it makes me feel like he is a complete stranger (or I worry to death that I am bothering him in some way). With that, we have a very limited sex life. I have no sex drive and I have no idea why. He thinks that I don't want to be with him, have someone else or am repulsed by him, which none of those things are true. I very much want to do these things with and for him, I just can't. He is a man and deserves these things from his wife. I know he can't go on forever without trying to find someone who can do these things for him. About the house, it isn't filthy, just cluttered and messy. I pray for energy or drive or whatever it is to make me be the woman that can keep it the way it should be, to no avail. I am very forgetful. I can't remember simple things, 'tell someone this' or 'pay these bills', yet I can remember crazy things like phone numbers from childhood. He gets so aggrevated with me about this too. I do stupid things, thinking I'm doing them for a good reason or say stupid things, which make sense to me. Everything just builds up and I feel like I am very misunderstood and a failure at everything. I rarely sleep in our bed, almost always on the couch. I either can't sleep and watch tv until I fall asleep or sleep there by choice, my thought is that if someone breaks in, the kids get up or fire or whatever, I'm more likely to hear them in the front room vs. being in my back bedroom. I obsess over someone coming in and me not hearing them, I have 3 kids and he works swing shift, so it's habit for me to sleep on the couch. I constantly think that he is mad at me and become a nervous wreck, causing me to ask him over and over again if he's mad or what's wrong. This pisses him to no end. Another thing is that when telling him something, I have to tell every detail, which makes a 2 minute story into 10, he doesn't want to hear all that, just the point of the story. Anyway, sorry for going on and on. I just need someone's advice that can relate to how I feel and think. He has NEVER done any research on autism (with the kids) or read anything about it, only what I have told him, which I'm not sure if he's in denial or what. I want to be with him forever. I just don't have an explanation to him for the way I am about things. Are these things typical of someone on the spectrum? Am I just lazy? Please let me know what I should do. Thanks for taking the time to read.

Communication, talk to him or send him here and we'll talk to him. :)

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28 Jun 2009, 12:17 pm

Talk to him. Everything that you have written here. Good luck.

I have the same kind of a problem, but I am the husband. I hope I'll learn to talk to her. It sure is not easy.


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28 Jun 2009, 12:36 pm

looks like your executive functioning isn't too good huh?

I have the same problem with cleaning, I just can't do it. I don't earn much money but I'd rather not eat for 3 days and pay for a cleaner to come and clean my house than do it myself. I'm pretty sure that it's never going to change but I live on my own so it doesn't bother anyone.

maybe that would be a good idea for you? at least with some housekeeping stuff?

not a bug - a feature.


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28 Jun 2009, 1:20 pm

you have to make time for sex. i know it's not the most important thing in the world, but when you abstain in a relationship, your partner is likely to feel that you are denying them sex. it's hard for anyone (spectrum or not) to truly see things from someone else's perspective. especially if he doesn't know that you suspect you are on the spectrum. you obviously love him very much or this wouldn't cause you such distress.

i'm not saying you should do anything that will make you unhappy. maybe if you discussed this with him and tried to explain where your issues are and see if you can work out an arrangement that works for both of you. maybe a night out (or in) once a week with just you two. i know this is hard with an erratic schedule, but it doesn't have to be the same day each week.

if your libido is completely nonexistent, you might consider talking to your doctor about ways to help with that. if you're on any medications, they might be contributing to this. if not, there are medications out there that may help you.

the hardest part of this situation will likely be what's currently being left unsaid. i don't have any good advice for that.

good luck.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Jun 2009, 3:58 pm

Yes, my executive functioning is almost non-existant. You nailed it. Is there any known reason for this? I haven't looked into it, although, I will after I post this... I did put together a 'chore list' to start with on Monday, I'm hoping that will help me in some way. Any help, I think, will be progress. I do write lists out when I have to go somewhere for, wal-mart.. I do remember to tell him that I love him, it's more the affection (huggin, cuddling) that I have a hard time with, which is what he's needing. I think I may make reminder notes to put around the house that only I will see, that may help with the action of doing it, at least it will be trying. I have tried before to tell him that there are things about me that I have no control of and started once to tell him I thought I was on the spectrum, he shut me down telling me that everyone has something wrong with them and that it was an excuse. Maybe I could get every thought out in a note to him and leave it for him to find somewhere without me there, so he has no choice but to read it? I seem to communicate my thoughts better in writing vs. face to face. I am on an antiseizure medication, you think that could have something to do with the libido? I will look into that too. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Thank you all for your advice too. I really appreciate it. I will let you know if I make any progress.


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28 Jun 2009, 4:28 pm

Medications can have all kinds of side-effects. You need to contact your physician to find out if the libido problem is associated with yours.




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29 Jun 2009, 8:20 am

Gee I wish people could learn to use paragraphs.

You have a problem but so does your husband.

You really need to tell him how you feel and how your mind works.

Perhaps together you can work out a compromise.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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06 Jul 2009, 12:51 am

Sorry Wombat.

Thanks for pointing out another one of my flaws.

I really appreciate it.

I'll try harder next time.

Just for you.

Hope this is better.



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06 Jul 2009, 1:21 am

ibillymom wrote:
Could someone please tell me what I should do? I have been married for 12 years. I was a good wife for the first year but I think my husband has been miserable the past 11. I do not have a diagnosis, or ever been to the doctor for one. I have a little boy that was diagnosed w/ASD PDD-NOS and another that will be evaluated soon (suspected of HFA or Aspergers). Only after researching autism because of my children, did I realize that I probably have some form of it myself. I have always known that I was different, I just didn't know what it was. I love my husband and I think he is to the point that he cannot put up with me anymore. I am a horrible housekeeper. I hardly show him any affection, not by choice, it just doesn't come natural to me with him. When I try to get close to him, it makes me feel like he is a complete stranger (or I worry to death that I am bothering him in some way). With that, we have a very limited sex life. I have no sex drive and I have no idea why. He thinks that I don't want to be with him, have someone else or am repulsed by him, which none of those things are true. I very much want to do these things with and for him, I just can't. He is a man and deserves these things from his wife. I know he can't go on forever without trying to find someone who can do these things for him. About the house, it isn't filthy, just cluttered and messy. I pray for energy or drive or whatever it is to make me be the woman that can keep it the way it should be, to no avail. I am very forgetful. I can't remember simple things, 'tell someone this' or 'pay these bills', yet I can remember crazy things like phone numbers from childhood. He gets so aggrevated with me about this too. I do stupid things, thinking I'm doing them for a good reason or say stupid things, which make sense to me. Everything just builds up and I feel like I am very misunderstood and a failure at everything. I rarely sleep in our bed, almost always on the couch. I either can't sleep and watch tv until I fall asleep or sleep there by choice, my thought is that if someone breaks in, the kids get up or fire or whatever, I'm more likely to hear them in the front room vs. being in my back bedroom. I obsess over someone coming in and me not hearing them, I have 3 kids and he works swing shift, so it's habit for me to sleep on the couch. I constantly think that he is mad at me and become a nervous wreck, causing me to ask him over and over again if he's mad or what's wrong. This pisses him to no end. Another thing is that when telling him something, I have to tell every detail, which makes a 2 minute story into 10, he doesn't want to hear all that, just the point of the story. Anyway, sorry for going on and on. I just need someone's advice that can relate to how I feel and think. He has NEVER done any research on autism (with the kids) or read anything about it, only what I have told him, which I'm not sure if he's in denial or what. I want to be with him forever. I just don't have an explanation to him for the way I am about things. Are these things typical of someone on the spectrum? Am I just lazy? Please let me know what I should do. Thanks for taking the time to read.

This sounds like PTSD, I don't know what might have induced these symptoms, but you have a constant stare of alertness and you're losing some of your ADLs (activities of daily living), this could also just be accumulated stress, but concern for your kids seems to be motivating this.

When I was a medic, I was more worried about my friends getting hit with a blast because it would mean I would have to react, I wasn't lazy, but I had no idea how I'd react in that situation. This sounds similar to your situation with the kids (although you seem more prepared to act in case of an emergency). I was disorganized too and unless something important or urgent was happening, you didn't see me pushing myself too hard.

I can tell you that there are different ways to treat depression and anxiety, my way of dealing with it isn't legal, I smoke pot to take the edge off, but I can tell you that I don't give a damn about whether it's legal or not, the fact is, I'm higher functioning and in better control when I do marijuana. I'm not currently on it, I've been off it for weeks and I have difficulty concentrating. For some reason I spend a lot of time here and focus on other people's problems to get a little understanding of mine. I also overanalyze things to the point of incoherency (in my mind and in my speech), I have a ways to go.


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06 Jul 2009, 7:08 am


Sorry to have sounded flippant. You have a serious problem and I don't know how to advise you.

Read this forum and advise your husband to read this forum.

We have certain problems and if our partners understand this then they can make up for our failings.