ryan93 wrote:
I never had a migraine headache in my life, but yesterday I got a Scintillating scotoma (an aura that preludes migraines), but with no migraine. Not good, as Scintillating scotoma is also associated with stroke and epilepsy, and being on the spectrum I'm very likely to suffer from the latter (I've had no seizures before). I think I might have had a Scintillating scotoma before, when I was a kid, because I remember having an intensely disorientated and clammy feeling when I went on holidays years ago, and it's possible it was the same thing.
I have experienced scintillating scotoma since the early 70s. I initially saw an ophthalmologist b/c I assumed I was going blind. I was told it was migraines.
My auras are triggered by light (especially when at an angle that is overhead and slightly in front) and stress. Natural light does not seem to trigger them but fluorescent light is the biggest trigger and seems to have a dosage effect. They are especially frequent when I am stressed.
Historically, I have had few whole body symptoms. The aura is about 30 minutes followed by a 'neurological hang-over feeling' for an hour or so. In the last couple of years, I have had some nausea and headache following them. I have never had to leave work for one, but I need this job so I also tough it out. I have heard that scintillating scotoma are associated with temporal seizures. As far as the correlations with CVA (strokes, etc.), I thought that was discounted, but things keep changing with research - but that's a whole 'nuther post....
I've treated my auras with lifestyle changes for half a century, and never had CVA . Food seems to help get the aura to calm down in the moment, but exercise makes it worse during the flare. However, it likely otherwise helps to reduce stress trigger. When my aura flare, they are accompanied by tactile hallucinations. They kinda feel like worms squiggling just behind the front of the eye ball. Careful home examination with my magnifying mirror revealed no actual movement. My spectrum diagnosis is old-school "aspergers" with OCD.
We sour green apples live our own inscrutable, carefree lives... (Max Frei)